14. can i help you?

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A/N: Long chapter because I feel like feeding you. You're welcome!

Also, the movie I talk about in this chapter is called 'Us' and it's really good.


"Are you almost here?"

"Yes, I'm like two minutes away," Billie said through the phone.

"Okay, see you in a bit," I ended the call, regaining focus on my laptop screen. I'm failing in math and it's not looking good. I am so far behind and dad noticed so he gave me a long talk before leaving this morning about how I should spend the next few days focusing on math. I'm trying, I really am!

Just as I felt like I was ready to throw the laptop across the room I heard the front door open and Billie shouts out a cute "Honey, I'm home."

"You're a dork," I chuckled, getting up from my spot on the couch to wrap my arms around her. "How was your meeting?" I questioned.

"So I actually wanted to talk to you about that," she bummed out, grabbing my hand and pulling me back to the couch.

"Oh no, that doesn't sound good," I worried out loud.

"No no, it's a good thing," she smiled, pulling me onto her lap so I was straddling her. "So, tour starts earlier than I thought."


"June 5th is the first show."

"What the fuck? That's in like..." I tried to calculate the months in my head but failed.

"It's April 2nd today so it's in two months baby," she chuckled.

"Holy shit. Wait, does this mean I get to come along?"

"Yeah, I talked to everyone today and they knew you'd want to come along and it will work perfectly because you'll have graduated by then already!"

"Oh my fucking god," I squealed excitedly, pressing my lips to hers. Her hands trailed along my sides and down to my ass, giving it a squeeze that made me gasp into her mouth.

"So we get to spend the entire summer together on tour?" I asked as our foreheads pressed together.

"Mhm," she hummed, she lips connecting back to mine for a moment. "So what are we doing tonight?" She questioned.

"I need to finish some math real quick and then whatever you want," I shrugged.

"Whatever I want?" She raised a brow flirtatiously.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Alright, you finish your math and I'll think of a few things," she smacked my ass making me yelp and roll my eyes.

"You do that," I chuckled, getting off from her lap, sitting next to her and turning back to my laptop.

I stared at the question for a second before deciding I'd had enough of this for one day. I closed the lid on my laptop a little too harshly, causing Billie to look at me. "I'm done," I smirked innocently.

"Your dad is gonna be so mad," she laughed.

"Let him be," I shrugged. "How about we go to Tienda. I just learned how to use the fancy latte machine."

"Bet," Billie nodded and we both grabbed our things, walking towards Billie's car. The ride was fast and before we knew it, we were there. I used my key to unlock the doors and typed in my code into the alarm system.

I let go of her hand as we stepped into the café and I walked behind the bar, grabbing two mugs as Billie sat on a barstool. "Hi, welcome to Tienda café, what can I get for you?" I asked, pretending to work here.

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