3. he didn't know any better

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Driving down the 134 out of Highland Park and into Pasadena, the only thing on my mind is that I have school tomorrow and dads are going to kill me because I'm out this late. They wouldn't care if it was a Friday night, but it's not, it's Sunday night. Erik wanted me to come over and I couldn't sleep, so why not?

"Baby," he shouts from his bedroom while I use the key he gave me to get into his apartment.

"Hi," I call out as I kick my shoes off and make my way into his bedroom to find him still on his bed.

"I gotta show you sum' come here," he pats the spot next to him. I climb into the bed, laying beside him and giving him a quick kiss before resting my head on his chest.

"So I was watching this last night and I thought... well let me just show you," he pulls up his phone and my eyes grow wide as I see a porn video of two girls and a guy. I smack his phone and sit up, looking at him with disgust.

"The fuck was that for?" He scowls.

"Why are you showing me that?"

"Because it's hot. Listen to me Mady, I know you and Billie are close and-"

"ERIK!" I shout, getting out of his bed, "Is this all you ever think about?"

"No, of course not," he shakes his head, not bothering to move from his comfortable position.

"I've had enough of this. Billie and I are not going to have a threesome with you. Forget it!"

"Damn, chill."

"No, you know what? I'm done, we're done!" I stormed out of his room.

"Baby are you serious?" He chuckles, finally getting out of his bed to follow me to the door.

"I'm not your baby, go find some other girl to fuck around with!" I slammed the door behind me, storming out to my car.

Speeding a tad too fast down the freeway, I connect my phone to my car's Bluetooth and call up Billie, hoping she is still awake. "Mady," she answers groggily.

"Can I come over?"

"Yeah, duh. Are you okay though?"

"I'll tell you when I get there. Love you," I hang up and stare blankly at the cars ahead of me.


"I know he sucked but he was damaged, he didn't know any better," I frown, avoiding Billies sympathetic gaze.

"But you deserve better, someone who values you," she says calmly.

"So does he," my lips downturned as my brown eyes met her blue ones. Our bodies both tired laying down and facing each other, our heads on pillows next to each other. "He was a good person when he wanted to be," I added.

"I know," she gave me a sad smile, swiping a piece of hair behind my ear. "The guy who wins your heart will be so lucky," she adds.

"Can we get drunk?" I deadpanned.

"Right now?" She raised her brows with a chuckle.

"Yes, right now."

"I think it's best if we get some sleep," she smiled.

"You're probably right," I sighed; leaning in to press a quick peck to her lips, she smiled at my gesture before turning out her light and pulling me close to her body.

"Goodnight Bil," I yawned.

"Night Mads, I love you," she whispered.


A/N: The chapters are going to get longer as the story progresses, I promise. Don't forget to vote.

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