15. future talks

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A/N: You're all forgetting that Mady's dads are on a business trip and Zayden is at a friend's house!



"Just wait until I use my tongue," Billie winked and Mady pushed her off of her playfully, quickly straddling Billie's lap.

"Oh?" Billie raised a brow.

"Can I try something?" Mady asked sheepishly.

"Whatever you want," Billie grinned, grabbing onto Mady's hips.

"You'll tell me to stop if you need me to, right?"

"I promise," Billie nodded with a small smile, swiping a piece of Maddison's hair off of her slightly sweaty forehead.

Mady wasn't nervous, mostly excited and for lack of a better word, aroused. Mady has always been curious about what sex would be like with a girl but the chance never presented itself, and if we're being honest, Mady pushed her sexuality deep down without even realizing it. She didn't know why though, she has always been a proud ally.

Mady leaned down, her naked breasts pressing against Billie's bra as she danced her tongue inside Billie's mouth, taking control of the kiss.

Mady trailed her hands behind Billie's back, fiddling with the clasps, waiting for Billie to give permission. Billie whispered a 'take it off' into the kiss and Mady quickly unclasped the lacey bra, slowly sliding it down billie's arms and tossing it around the room carelessly.

Their tongues continued gliding together as Mady cupped Billie's breasts into her hands. She traced her fingertips around Billie's nipples, feeling them harden in her fingertips. Billie let out soft gasps of air when Mady trailed kisses down her jawline, moving down to her collarbones until her lips wrapped around her left nipple.

Billie's hand raked through Mady's dark hair as Mady looked up at her through her lashes. Maddison was eager to taste every inch of the beautiful girl laying underneath her. She felt herself get wet again at the sight in front of her eyes.

Mady shifted further down between Billie's legs, wrapping her fingertips into the waistband of Billie's sweatpants. Mady looked up at Billie and the girl nodded her head, silently consenting. With that, Mady slipped the girl's pants and underwear down her legs.

Mady lifted Billie's leg up, kissing her ankle, trailing kisses down her leg until she reached Billie's inner thigh, her eyes being met with a glistening pussy. Mady's eyes went wide with excitement as how wet Billie already was. "Can I taste you?" Mady asked against Billie's skin.

"Please," Billie whispered, subconsciously bucking her hips in desperation, wanting to feel Mady touch her.

Mady positioned her fingers on each side of her folds, pulling them apart and blowing cool air, causing Billie to visibly flinch.

Mady placed her warm tongue directly onto Billie's sensitive bud, causing Billie to let out a breathy moan. Mady's hands clutched onto Billie's thighs, pushing them further apart as she wrapped her lips around Billie's clit, sucking for a moment.

"Oh fuck," Billie panted, her hands clutching the bedsheet. Mady felt turned on by the effect she had on Billie as she licked up and down, side to side, tasting Billie on her tongue. Mady continued to work her tongue as Billie unfolded underneath her.

Mady knew Billie was approaching her high when she felt Billie's thighs begin to shake, Mady didn't slow down as Billie moaned out profanities, suddenly going limp. Mady licked up Billie's folds, causing Billie to buck her hips up. Billie placed her hand on Mady's head, pushing her back gently.

"Was it okay?" Mady asked, moving her face up, just inches from Billie's.

"A-are you joking?" Billie chuckled breathlessly, wrapping her arms around Mady's back. "It was perfect. Are you sure you've never given a girl head before?"

"I haven't," Mady protested with a laugh.

"Well, you're a natural," Billie whispered, pressing her lips to Mady's. The girls lay in comfortable silence before deciding to take a quick shower together, both of them too tired to do anything else but simply wash their bodies.

They both opted to wear only a large shirt to bed and cuddled up as close as possible, almost instantly falling asleep in their lover's arms.


The sun crept through the curtain, causing a dust ray to shine through the room. The girls had already slept in later than they normally had when Mady began to stir, causing Billie to do the same. Their eyes fluttered open at the same time, both of them waking up with smiles on their faces. "Good morning beautiful," Billie mumbled sleepily.

"Morning," Maddison smiled, placing a small kiss on Billie's jaw. Billie latched her left hand into Mady's, squeezing it gently.

"You hungry?" Billie asked the girl.

"Kinda," Mady shrugged.

"I'll order us something," Billie yawned as she reached for her phone. Billie noticed a few texts from her manager and decided to check them before ordering food because she knew she'd forget about them if she didn't. Danny had sent a bunch of information about rehearsal dates for the upcoming tour.

"Rehearsals are starting soon," Billie quietly mentioned before ordering PostMates. "You gonna come watch?"

"You know I will," Mady smiled with sleepy eyes, looking up at Billie as she focused on ordering food. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth so I can kiss you," Mady said, slowly getting out of the bed as Billie chuckled lowly.

"Fine ass," Billie shouted, watching Maddison strut into the bathroom. Mady did her business as Billie scrolled through her phone and soon enough the doorbell rung. Mady ran downstairs, taking the food from the deliver person and thanking them.

The two girls ate their food, joking around together and talking about their future and the kids they would potentially want one day. Mady has always loved how gentle and cute Billie is with children. Billie has always had a nututing aspect to her personality and also wants kids some day.

Billie decided to snap a picture of Mady's hand in hers with their breakfast sprawled out in front of them on the bed. Billie posted it to her Instagram story, immediately being met with millions of notifications to which the girls laughed at. They found it amusing how invested people were with Billie's life.    


A/N: I know not everyone enjoys reading omniscient pov but I wanted to write this chapter like this sooo...anyways, thoughts?

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