5. dance with me

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A/N: Please comment and let me know if you ever see and grammar/spelling mistakes so I can fix them because it drives me crazy.


Staring at my laptop screen in a daze, I hear a knock on my door, "Come in," I call out and watch as dad pops his head in and smiles.

"How's it coming along?" He asks, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"Ugh," I groaned in response.

"You can do it! What class are you working on?" He glanced at my computer.

"Just editing this essay thing and then I gotta do some math homework," I explained, laying flat onto my bed.

"Well, dinner should be ready in about an hour and after that Papi, Zayden and I are going down to Tienda to see how the cafe is coming along, if you want to come?"

The greenhouse that my dads own is called 'Plant Tienda'. Tienda means 'corner' in Spanish and of course they couldn't just name it 'plant corner' because that wouldn't be unique enough for them. We call it Tienda for short.

"Yeah sure," I nodded.

"All right, now get your homework done," he kissed my cheek quickly before leaving the room and shutting the door behind himself.

I grabbed my phone and clicked on Billie's contact, waiting for her to pick up. "Sup?" She answered.

"Come over?" I asked plainly.

"Bet," she said before hanging up. I sighed and sat back up, finishing editing before my door swung open, revealing Billie in all her glory.

"Whatchya doing?" She questioned, plopping down next to me.

"Fuckin homework," I fumbled.

"Pfft, why am I here then?"

"Because I need you to supervise me," I said in a 'duh' tone of voice. Billie was homeschooled too but in a very different way. My dads want me to focus on academics and I do online schooling with their help whereas Billie basically cooked, played instruments, and helped her dad build shit.

"Aight," she nodded, laying down next to me and pulling out her phone. I rolled my eyes, jealous of the freedom she has, before continuing to read the math problem in front of me.

About twenty minutes later I was still getting the problem wrong, now beginning to get frustrated as I wanted to finish the entire page before dinner. I let out an audible sigh, dragging my fingers through my dark hair and looking over at Billie to see her already staring at me.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I've been working on the same question since you got here," I mumbled in annoyance.

"I believe in you!" She cheered me on. I carefully looked over the problem one more time and saw where I must have gone wrong. I entered in the new number I got and sighed in relief when it was correct.

"I got it!" I basically shouted.

"I knew you could do it," she smiled, leaning up to place a peck on my lips, making me smile.

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