11. he looks mean

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A/N: I kinda picture Maddison as Drew in the way fans know her. (Not looks-wise.) Like we don't really know anything about her and she isn't seen often. Only the real fans know of her and her name if that makes sense.


Music blasts through my ears as my feet move at a fast pace, sweat beginning to run down my forehead. I run up to the gate with Oby by my side. I walk into the dog park and close the gate behind me, letting him off his leash and watch him as he happily runs off to meet the other dogs while I catch my breath. I pull out my AirPods sitting down on the bench, watching the many dogs and people smiling and enjoying the sun.

It's Saturday and of course, everyone I know is busy, but It's okay. I don't mind a day for Oby and I, I haven't been giving him as much attention as I used to. I've been consumed with school and Billie.

"Hey, a-are you, Maddison?" I look up to see a young girl in Blohsh merch approach me shyly which puts a large smile on my face.

"I am," I smile back at her.

"Can I get a p-picture?" She stutters with shaky hands, making me pout at how adorable and nervous she is.

"Of course you can," I nod, standing up and posing next to her as she snaps a few selfies.

"You live around here?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "No, my grandma does and I'm here on vacation," she explains.

"That's awesome. You have a dog?"

"My grandma does. The black and white one over there," she points to a small dog, "her name is Daizee."

"Aw, she's adorable and it looks like she's taking a liking to Oby. The one Daizee is sniffing up, the black and brown one, that's my dog," I explain with a smile.

"He looks mean," she mutters.

"He's not," I chuckle, "just a huge teddy bear."

"Um, so... would you mind giving something to Billie?" She grows shy again at the topic of Billie.

"Of course, what is it?"

"So, I kinda sent her a really long dm and I knew she'd never read it but I was thinking maybe I could like give you my Instagram so she could open it. Of course, she doesn't have to and I-"

"Relax," I cut her off with a small chuckle, "I can give her your Instagram and make sure she reads it," I assure her, placing a hand on her shoulder as she begins shaking.

"Thank you so much," she breathes out in relief. I put her Instagram username in my notes for later and hug her before she runs off.

This doesn't happen to me often, only every few months. It's only the OG fans who recognize me. It always makes my day better and I love seeing people who share the mutual love for Billie.

A few hours later the park begins to die down and I walk Oby back home, he's exhausted by now and so am I. We cuddle up on my bed and I softly pet his head as he dozes off beside me. I got Oby for my birthday three years ago when he was a baby. I always wanted a Doberman, they're perky ears always make me happy. I got him when I was going through a rough patch and having to exercise him and take him outside every day made us grow close, he's got me through a lot. A few minutes later I feel my eyes growing heavy and decide to join his nap.


My eyes drift open and Oby is now on the other side of the bed, Billie cuddling with him as she scrolls through her phone. "Hey," I whisper out in a tired tone.

"Good morning sleepyhead," she smiles up at me.

"What's the time?" I ask, stretching all my limbs.

"Nine pm," she answers, shifting to sit up.

"Shit," I groan.

"We can stay up all night," she smirks.

"Your not busy tomorrow?"

"Nope," she shakes her head, "What did you do to Oby? I've never seen him this lethargic," she chuckles.

"I took him to the dog park. Oh, that reminds me, a fan came up to me," I smile at the memory and reach out for my phone opening my notes.


"Mhm," I nod, "she gave me her Instagram and asked for you to read her dm. I promised her I'd make you so now you have to."

"Bet," she smiles. I give her the Instagram and she scoots next to me as she searches for her dm. I don't look at the screen because I know that people trust Billie to never share anything, they tell her their deepest and darkest secrets. After a few minutes, I hear Billie sniffle and look over to see tears streaming from her eyes.

"Don't cry," I pout, wiping a tear off her cheek.

"Fuck, I love my babies," she sniffles.

"I know you do," I smile softly as she begins typing a reply.

A few movies later our stomachs both start rumbling and we decide 3 am is a great time to get some taco bell and drive up to our spot so that's exactly what we do. Sitting in Billie's car, staring out at the lights we munch our food in silence.


A/N: Filler chapter but the next chapter is gonna be gooood! (I hope)

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