17. shudder

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A/N: I don't know what happened here but something in my brain switched and I got descriptive lmao. (I did promise more smut...🤷🏻‍♀️)

Also Trigger warning towards the end of the chapter for suicide. I'll put a ⚠️ when it starts and it will go until the end of the chapter.


"I don't know, why not?"

"I mean, if you're ready, I'm ready to," I shrug as Billie's hands trailed up and down my thighs. "You've been teasing it for a few days now, I feel like people already know you're dating someone, they just don't know who," I explain, still straddling Billie's waist. Not gonna lie, I'm a little turned on at the fact that Billie isn't wearing any pants, just an oversized shirt, a chain around her neck, and a black lacey thong.

"You're right, Imma just do it," she picks up her phone from beside us but I reach to cup her cheeks in my hands, capturing her attention.

"What?" Billie questions with a smirk.

"Dads and Zayden only get back in a few hours," I whisper, leaning down so our faces are only inches apart. "You can wait a little longer to tell the world who you're fucking, right?" I tease, placing a finger under her chin.

"Mhm," she hums, wrapping her arms behind my back and I buried my face into the crook of her neck as she traced small patterns into my back.

Let's rewind a bit. A few days ago Billie and I finally told her family about us, and we did it exactly how Billie wanted to do it. After a Friday dinner, we were all still sitting around the table when Billie cupped my cheeks and began kissing me. I couldn't help but laugh into the kiss and everyone except my dads and Joey were in shock, but ultimately supported us! Now Billie wants to go public, and I don't have a problem with it.

"You know," Billie started, "when  you're around me I feel like nobody could hurt me, like I'm invincible or some shit," she explained softly.

"I can be myself around you,
like it doesn't matter what I do or
say, you'll still support me. You'll
always make me feel special, like my
opinion matters, and it doesn't matter what anyone on the internet says...and that's why I'm so okay with going public with our relationship."

"Billie," I pouted, placing a kiss to the nape of her neck.  "You make me feel the same way," I smiled as I moved a stray hair from her forehead.

"I love you," I trailed off before
pressing a kiss to her lips.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you," Billie teased.

"I said I love you, dummy," I laughed, playfully hitting her shoulder.

"I love you too," Billie smiled contently as she leaned forward to press her lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync as her hands raked through my hair.

Billies hands moved to my hips and she quickly flipped our bodies so she was hovering over me. Her hands started roaming my thighs and I bit my lip in anticipation.

Billie soon pressed her lips back onto mine, but I pulled away breathlessly when I felt her thigh press between mine. Her lips immediately met my neck where she began to suck harshly, deliberately leaving a large spot. My back involuntarily arched slightly as my whole body tingled with arousal, Billie's hands wandering to the hem of my t-shirt.

I leaned up just far enough to slip my shirt off, and I realized I didn't put a bra on this morning as I felt her wet lips wrap around my nipple, her thigh rocking gently against my core. "Shit," I muttered as a shiver ran through my spine. Billie reacted by adding more pressure, causing my eyes to roll back.

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