16. truce

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A/N: Before you even say I'm robbing you, I've already written you one smut scene and there will be more.


"I'm sorry we're leaving again," Papi frowned.

"It's okay, honestly."

"We'll be back in two nights, if you need anything you call us okay?"

"Got it," I nodded my head before hugging both dads and then they were off; this time with Zayden. Zayden has been getting worse, she's refusing to do school, doesn't even touch her phone or leave her bed. My dad's wanted to spend extra time with her, see if they can help cheer her up or get her to talk about what's going on. They conveniently found that Zaydens favourite artist, Harry Styles, was performing across the city tomorrow night. Thanks to Billie, Zayden got PIT tickets and get's to meet him. I know this won't cure Zayden but hopefully, it'll boost her mood a little.

I run back upstairs and pull out my laptop, opting to sit at my desk instead of my bed. I always get more work done at my desk but usually, I choose my bed because I'm lazy. Dad's said if I want to go on tour with Billie this summer I need to work harder in math. I'm close to being done in all my other classes, I just have to take the exams.

I open Spotify and connect it to my 'Alexa', choosing some relaxing background music. I let out a groan when I open up math. This shit is too confusing for my little brain. I grab a hair elastic, tying my hair in a messy bun.

A few hours later and only a few more questions completed I hear the front door open, my eyes furrowing together. I'm pretty sure I locked it... "Hello?" I call out. There's no response but I hear footsteps travelling up the stairs. Oh hell no, I'm not tryna die today. Without another thought I run to my nightstand, grabbing the knife I keep in my bottom drawer and pulling my blanket over myself.

My door begins to open slowly, painfully slow. "Boo," Billie shouts as she jumps inside the room.

"Holy fuck I W-," I gasp, dropping the knife to the floor, falling back onto my bed with heavy breaths.

"Shit, sorry baby," Billie says through laughter, "I didn't think you'd get that scared," she catches her breath from the laughing and picks up the knife, placing it into my drawer.

"I hate you," I grumble with an eye roll.

"And I love you," she smirks, hopping onto the bed, tackling me with tickles.

"No stop," I giggle, trying to push her off of me. She continues to tickle me, reaching my waist where I'm the most ticklish. I reach for her shoulders, flipping her over and straddling her waist so I can get back at her.

"Truce, truce," she calls out through giggles. Her laughter is the best sound on earth, aside from her singing maybe, Nah they're equally as great.

I cup her cheeks and look at her with raised brows, "truce," I agree. She takes deep breaths, recovering from the laughter.

"Well don't just look at me like that, gimmie a kiss," she pouts.

"Gimmie gimmie never gets don't you know your manners yet?"

"Fuck off," she rolls her eyes and I respond by starting to get off of her waist but she grabs my hips, pushing me back down onto her and wrapping her arms around my back so our faces are only inches apart. "Kiss me please," she whispers.

Without another word, I press my lips to hers for only a second and I repeat that a few times before she pulls me closer, not letting my lips leave hers. She quickly takes control, my bottom lip gets wrapped between hers, our tounges meeting. My breathing picks up as she grabs my hips, rocking me back and forth.

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