20. united

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A/N: This is a double upload so read chapter 19 first. This is the last chapter, don't forget to vote and I really hope you enjoyed the book. (I love you onion and if you made it to this point, I'm proud of you.)


Math, math, and more math. That's been my summer. After getting over my little pity party I took up Zaydens offer to help me finish my math. I mostly stayed off of social media, seeing all the pictures made it too hard but Billie's called and texted whenever possible. For example, in the bathroom, two minutes before a show, half-asleep on the tour bus, in the hotel rooms on days off, and icing her ankles after a show. It was bitter-sweet talking to her, I mean, of course, I loved talking to her but I was supposed to be with her doing all of those things. It is what it is, I had to do what I had to do and now I'm finally done. I'm done school and I couldn't be more grateful. I have received a few letters back from different colleges but haven't opened any out of fear, plus I wanted to open them with Billie. My dream is UNC, I'd be able to stay in LA and it's known as the best film school out there.

Billie gets back today, which just so happens to be my birthday. Papi insisted on making a huge meal and having everyone over. I tried to convince him not to because they're all going to be exhausted but Papi wouldn't take no for an answer. I wouldn't be shocked if they all forgot it was my birthday. Billie hasn't even mentioned it over facetime or text which is kind of weird. She always makes such a huge deal over my birthday every year even if I tell her not to.

I found myself staring out of the window, patiently waiting for the tour bus to pull up in front of the house. Billie had texted me that they were two minutes away and I was about to burst at the seams. "THEY'RE BACK!" I shouted through the house before opening the front door and running outside, not bothering to put shoes on. As soon as the bus came to a full stop, the driver opened up the doors and I ran towards it, seeing Billie in all her glory step out of it.

"My baby," she shouted, running up to me. We met in the middle, our impact being so strong we fell to the ground, arms wrapped around each other. We were both in tears of laughter, I can't explain this feeling.

After a minute Billie cupped my cheeks, being underneath me she pulled my face back so she could properly see me. "Happy birthday my love," she smiled with teary eyes. I leaned forward pressing my lips to hers. She didn't forget.

"I missed you so much," I whispered into the kiss.

"I missed you too," she sniffled happily, "but we should get off the ground."

I chuckled, getting off of her and helping her up. She took ahold of my hand, dragging me to her house. "Wait, I have to say hi to everyone else," I told her.

"You can do that later, I need to show you something," she continued pulling me and I laughed at how eager she was. Before she opened the door to her room she stopped me. "Okay so, I got some stuff sent here for your birthday and I hope you like it."

"Wha-" Before I could finish my sentence she opened up her door and I saw on the floor a large aquarium with a turtle swimming around inside. She remembers the smallest things.

"Billie," I pouted, "you got me a baby turtle?"

"You like it?" She grinned.

"I love it," I nodded, pressing my lips to hers.

"Okay, one more thing," she held up her pointer finger, telling me to wait and I did while she walked outside of her room and only a second later she came back. "It's in the other room, come on."

I shook my head before following her into Finneas' old room where my jaw dropped. All the film equipment I could ever want was sprawled out on the queen-sized bed. "Stop it," I said slowly, "you did not."

"I did, but please don't be mad at me," she begged quickly.

"I could never be mad at you," I shook my head, practically tackling her in a hug.


After a long yet funny dinner of telling stories from tour, everyone had gone to their respective beds, except for Billie and me. We grabbed the letters I had accumulated over the summer and drove to Tienda. The best thing about the cafe is that it's very private and no one would know we were here, especially the paps.

I made us some drinks, trying to slow things down because honestly, I was afraid to open those letters. Billie on the other hand was begging me to hurry up as she held the letters in her hands. "How many schools did you apply to? There's a lot of letters here," she asked as I carried two mugs to one of the tables.

It's so beautiful in here and I'll never get over how stunning my dads made this place. It's especially beautiful at night when the sun isn't coming through the large glass windows and the twinkly lights are the only thing illuminating the cafe.

"I forget honestly," I shrugged, setting the late's down and sitting across from her. "Can you open them? I'm too scared."

She nodded her head asking, "Which one should I open first?"

"I don't care, just save USC for last," I told her, my hands starting to shake.

"Okay, first up is LA Film School," she said, getting ready to rip it open.

"No, wait, that's my second choice," I held my hand over hers, stopping her from opening it. "Is there one from California Institute of arts?"

She flipped through the envelopes and nodded her head when she found it. "Okay, open that one, I don't care about that one."

"Okay," she giggled, ripping it open. Her eyes scanned it and she looked at me blankly.

"Well?" I urged her.

"It doesn't matter anyway," she shrugged.

"I didn't get it?"

"You did," she laughed, "but it doesn't matter right?"

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in and she grabbed the next envelope, and the next, and the next. This bitch will be the death of me, she keeps playing with my feelings.

"You're 8 out of 8, do we even gotta open the last two?"

"Yes, Billie!"

"Okay, okay," she chuckled, picking up the envelope from the California Institute of Arts. "But before I open these I just want you to know that I'm really fucking proud of you and whatever these say won't change that. You've always been my person and you always will be."

"Don't make me cry," I blushed.

"Aight," she took a deep breath at the same time as me, ripping it open. A look flashed in her eyes that I hadn't seen tonight and I ripped the letter out of her hands.

"Well, fuck," I groaned.

"Hey, at least it's your second choice, right?"

"Yeah," I nodded, dreading to find out what that last letter says. If I'm not good enough for this school, there's no way I'm getting into my dream school.

"Come here," Billie whispered, holding her arms out and I straddled her lap, burying my face in the crook of her neck. "Ready?"

"Yeah," I mumbled. As long as I'm in her arms, I'll be okay.

I heard her tear the envelope and unfold the paper. I anxiously cuddled further into her. "Baby," she whispered in my ear. I stayed silent and unmoving.

"You got it." I quickly pulled away, ripping the paper from her hands, scanning through it until I saw... "Holy shit," I whispered, "HOLY SHIT!" I jolted off her lap. "I got in."

"You got in," she stood up with a smile on her face.

"W-Fuck-I don't even know what to say," I shook my head, dropping the letter.

"Come kiss me instead." I couldn't say no to that.

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