2. nothing's off-limits

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A/N: Fair warning, if you've read any of my books then you're aware that my first chapters always suck.

*Maddison's POV*

"Baby, come sit," Erik says, patting the spot on the mattress between his legs. I nodded my head, scooting over on the mattress and sitting down between his legs, my back pressed up against his front; Continuing to listening to Drew, Zach and Billie talk about some guy they know.

"He posts a lot about his girlfriend and turtle," Drew adds while she's sat on Zach's lap, his arms around her waist.

"I want a turtle," I pouted.

"Turtles are creepy dude," Zach crinkled his nose up in disgust.

"How could you say that? They are like the cutest things in the world," I argued.

"It's true. Turtles are adorable," Drew agreed with a nod of her head, as Zach's phone lit up with a notification.

"Looks like I gotta head home," Zach frowned, tapping Drew off his lap.

"See you," I waved with a smile, watching Zach and Drew leave together.

"I gotta take a piss," Erik announced, basically pushing me out of his way.

"You're disgusting," I rolled my eyes as he left the room. I looked over at Billie, she had a sad smile on her face with her arms held open wide. I smiled and jumped into her lap as she wrapped her arms tightly around me.

"Why are you with him anyway?" Billie joked though I could tell there was some seriousness to it.

"Fuck knows," I shrugged, turning my head to look at her, "How are you?"

"You know, I love being a third wheel," Billie chuckled rolling her eyes sarcastically, making me giggle and playfully boop the tip of her nose.

"Mady, you look hella hot on top of Billie," Erik smirked as he walked back into the room.

"Fuck off," I scolded him.

"How'd you two meet anyway?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, sitting next to us.

"Wait, you haven't heard the story?" Billie exclaimed, Erik answering by shaking his head.

"It's not even that exciting," I chuckle, Billie playfully pushing me. "Basically my dads moved in next door when I was 5 and Pepper ran onto our yard so I walked her back and met Billie," I explained with a shrug at the end.

"It was cuter than that," Billie rolled an eye, "Your fine ass walked into my back yard and you were a hero. I thought Pepper was gone forever."

"A hero huh?" I raised a brow with a smirk, connecting our eyes.

"Mhm," she nodded, pecking my cheek.

"We should have a threesome, like, right now," Erik deadpanned boldly.

"What the fuck, Erik?" I huffed, looking his way and giving him a death glare.

"You two can't tell me you never eaten each other out before," he tilted his head suspiciously.

"We haven't," I confirmed, getting off Billies lap and grabbing my bag from her floor.

"Erik, we should go," I murmured.

"Why?" He scoffed.

"Let's just go," I demanded, he finally stood up off of the bed and I looked at Billie sympathetically. I know Erik can be disturbing sometimes, but so is every other guy out there.

"I'll see you on Friday?" Billie questioned.

"You will," I nodded before grabbing Erik's arm and pulling him along with me.

"You gotta stop saying shit like that," I huffed as we stepped out of Billie's house.

"Damn, okay," he spoke.

"I'm serious. You're scaring Billie," I turned to him on the sidewalk, looking up at his face as he's much taller than me.

"I thought Billie didn't get scared?" He raised a brow.

"Just stop with the gross shit."

"I don't think there's anything gross about two girls sleeping together," he shrugged.

"There's not," I sighed, "you know what I mean."

"Okay, I'll stop," he finally gave in.


"Yeah," he nodded, pulling my face up to his and pressing his lips to mine. I pulled away after a few seconds and waved him off as he got in his musty old car and drove off. I took ten steps to my house since I live next door and began getting ready for bed.

Billie and I have been two peas in a pod since we were five. We've done everything together, I've never missed one of her shows and she's always been a shoulder to cry on. Nothing is really off-limits for us until my stupid ass decided to start dating Erik. Billie and I never had sex or anything, we're both straight and arent into that anyway, but often we'd casually kiss each other to show how much the other person means to us. It's not weird, we're both straight, it's just a friendly thing. I don't really understand why friends don't kiss all the time. Why does a kiss always have to mean something more than platonic? It never does with us, we love each other, duh; just not more than friends.

Billie met Drew in a choir and she became a part of our group since all three of us are homeschooled. Billie graduated at 14 and is living her best life, while I'm still trying to finish up my senior year before summer hits. I met Zach when I started volunteering at an animal shelter, we quickly became friends and he hit it off with Drew. That's our group Billie, Drew, Zach, me, and Erik.

A/N: Chapters will get longer as the story goes on. I'm so excited for this book! Don't forget to comment and vote!

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