8. i like you

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Billie left almost right away after kissing me yesterday. She's been completely ignoring me all day and I know that she didn't have anything up today. It's now 2 am and I'm growing more and more worried. I want to give her space but she hasn't even opened my snaps or responded to any texts and that's not like her.

Realizing I've been staring at my screen just waiting for three text bubbles to pop up, I finally accept that she's not going to respond and place my phone down beside me with a sigh.

"Oby," I coo, softly petting the top of his head that's laying soundly on my stomach. He tilts his head up to me, opening his eyes. "Can you get off of mama?" Just like that he stands up and moves to the other side of the bed. I give him a bit more love as he settles back into the blankets and I drag myself off my warm bed, slipping on some soft slippers. I walk out of my room and instantly bump into someone.

"Watch it," Zayden huffs.

"Maybe you could look up from your phone," I roll my eyes. "What are you doing up so late?"

"None of your business," she mutters before slamming her door shut.

I shake my head at her behaviour before stepping into the cool air outside and jogging over to the house next door.

I use the spare key I have to unlock the door and walk straight into Billies room, knowing she'll still be awake.

"What the fuck?" She grumbles before lifting her eyes and realizing it's me, her eyes softening instantly.

I close her door, put my hands on my hips and stare at her with a raised brow. "What?" She asks innocently.

"Why have you been ignoring me all day? Not just that, but why haven't you been yourself, will you please tell me what's going on because I'm losing my fucking mind," I rant.

I watch her as she sighs and her eyes become visibly conflicted. She stands up and slips some shoes on, "come with me," she says simply, grabbing her keys in one hand and my hand in her other. I don't question her, instead, let her drag me to her car and wherever she's driving me to.

Once she turns down a specific road I know exactly where we are going. When I first got my license, Billie and I were so excited to finally be 'free' and we were determined to find a spot. We did find one, and ever since that night we come up here when one of us is feeling overwhelmed or we just need a break from the chaos. We found a small clearing on the top of a hill, it overlooks a big part of LA with the perfect view of the sunset, when the sun is actually setting, but at this point, it's completely dark. It's cliche as ever but I still love it.

The ride is silent aside from the quiet music in the background and my stomach is starting to turn, my brain starting to grow more worried about what she's going to tell me. I have no idea what it is but I know it's not going to be good.

Billie cuts the engine as we park in the lookout, viewing the city lights that I've grown so familiar with. I turn to Billie to find her staring at her lap where her fingers are shaking as she fiddles with them.

"Bil," I whisper, placing a hand over her shaky ones. "What's going on?" I ask softly.

Billie POV

"I-" I stumble on my words, unable to form sentences as I choke back any tears starting to form.

"Mady, I like you," I admit, watching her hand that's still placed over mine.

"Huh?" She questions. Please don't make me repeat myself.

"I have f-feelings for you," I stutter, turning towards her, our eyes now meeting.

"Bil," she sighs with pitiful eyes, "I-I'm straight and you're my best friend."

"I know," I nod, averting my gaze to the city in front of us. I don't know why a tiny part of me thought she'd turn to me and press her lips to mine in a longingful kiss, but that tiny part of me is now crushed into pieces.

"I'm sorry," she furrows her brows and I can tell she genuinely feels awful.

"Don't be sorry," I let out a sad chuckle, "You're straight and it's okay. I'm sorry if I made things weird now."

"You didn't," she assures me, "I'm not leaving Billie. I care about you too much," she smiles softly.

I nod my head, not sure what to say next, thankfully Mady isn't uncomfortable with this new information and she starts up a conversation about something totally different.

We spent a few more minutes staring at the cityscape while listening to music before I drove us home. She left to go back to her house and I melted into my bed the second I got back.

How do you just stop loving someone? Someone you see every day, someone you've been with every day since you were 5, how do you just stop?

I feel my eyes begin to well with tears and I quickly wipe them away trying to suck it up and tell myself this is stupid.


A/N: Yo, so I completely forgot to mention that Mady has a dog hahaha but she does so there ya go.

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