10. how did you know?

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"Where does this box go?" I asked, carrying in a heavy box into the new addition of the Tienda.

"Behind the bar," dad answered and I nodded, walking quickly behind it and setting it down, slightly out of breath. I looked around, watching everyone working, my eyes landing on Billie who was setting out the chairs.

Her hair sitting perfectly in a messy bun, her eyes focused on placing the chairs perfectly around the tables. When she turned around, my eyes absentmindedly fell to her lips.

"Mija, can you get the last box?" Papi asked, breaking my thoughts. I nodded my head, walking out to the car and grabbing a small box from the trunk. Two weeks since Billie confessed her feelings and all I can think about is her lips. I find myself missing our kisses and I don't know what it means. I'm straight. Maybe I just miss how close we were?

After setting down the last box I was instructed to start putting away the brand new dishes into the cupboards. As I was sat on the floor, pulling out the mugs I felt someone sitting next to me and I could tell it was Billie from the soft vanilla scent. "You're really taking your time," she chuckled. Only now did I realize I've been emptying the box extremely slow, my brain is fogged over with questions.

"I'm tired," I sighed.

"We've been here all day. Think we can dip?"

"Yeah, let me just finish with this box," I nod, quickly putting away all the mugs into the cabinet.

I let my dads know we were leaving which made Zayden pout since she had to stay longer than me. The new cafe is looking extremely beautiful, lights are now starting to be strung up along with many plants. I'm excited to see it in full swing!

Billie and I spent the rest of our Sunday the way we usually do. Eating junk food, watching The office, and dozing off many times throughout the evening before we go our separate ways.


After putting away my toothbrush I walk down the stairs to see Joey helping Papi make pancakes. I smile widely as I sit down around the kitchen island. I love it when Joey randomly comes over, I miss having her at home sometimes.

"Good morning," I greet them both.

"Morning sunshine," Papi smiles, while Joey jogs around the counter and tackles me in a hug.

"Can you go wake up your sister?" Papi asks me.

"Hell no, she's a monster in the mornings," I shake my head.

"I'll do it," Joey offers, running up the steps quickly.

"So Mija, today I want you to focus on math since I see that you're falling behind in that class," Papi explains while putting a stack of pancakes onto a plate.

"Okay," I nod my head, "Where's dad?"

"He's already at Tienda, I have to go over there today as well since we are finishing the final touches on the cafe," Papi explains and halfway through I hear two sets of feet coming down the stairs.

I turn around to see Zayden still in her PJ's, her hair a mess, and her eyes still foggy. "Morning," I smile.

"Mhm," she hums.

We all sit around the breakfast nook and enjoy the pancakes, finishing off the large stack Papi and Joey made. I help with clean up and begin dragging Joey away from the kitchen and up the steps.

"Maddison, don't forget about school," Papi calls out.

"Got it," I shout back before pushing Joey into my room and shutting the door behind up.

"God, what is it?" She chuckles, questioning why I dragged her to my room.

"I need help," I say truthfully, dropping myself onto my bed.

"Okay, what's up?"

"So...like, how do I say this?" I question myself out loud, biting the inside of my cheek as Joey sits next to me, "What does it mean if you can't stop thinking about someone?"

"Elaborate please," she chuckles.

"Ugh," I groan, trying to figure out how to put this into words without giving away the entire situation, "Like, if you glance at someone's lips and think about their body a lot..." I trail off.

"You got a crush?" She winks, wiggling her shoulders.

"Okay your no help," I roll my eyes, playfully pushing her off the bed although she lands on the floor and I giggle at her as she gives me a dirty look.

"What the fuck was that for? I was answering your question!"

"I can't have a crush on her," I sigh, whispering to myself.

"On Billie?" Joey says bluntly, making my eyes go wide.

"What? No," I shake my head aggressively.

"Really? Because it sure seems like it," she teases.

"I gotta work on math," I change the subject abruptly and pull out my laptop.

"If you're questioning whether or not you like Billie, you do. I know you and I know you like her," Joey explains, still sitting on my floor.

"But I'm straight."

"Do you know that though? Do you really know that you're straight?"


A few hours later I'm still sat on the bed trying to figure out two things, the math problem in front of me and Joey's last question, 'Do you really know that you're straight?'

I've never questioned my sexuality because it's never seemed like a question to me. I've only ever dated guys and slept with guys.

There's a knock on my door and I know it's Billie from the way she knocks. It's much softer than the way anyone else knocks on my door.

"Come in Bil," I call out, my eyes staying glued to my computer screen.

"Hey," she mummers, closing the door and hopping on the bed next to me.

"Hey," I reply, "How was your day?" I ask, finally looking towards her.

"There's talk about a potential tour in the next while," she shrugs and I nod, my eyes accidentally glancing at her lips. God, I miss those lips.

"Cool. I gotta finish this quickly then let's go get something to eat?" I ask.

"Yeah," she smiles, looking back down at her phone.

I stare at the screen, I know I want to kiss her...but do I just miss her? Am I just confused because she told me she has feelings for me?

"Bil?" I mutter quietly.


"How did you know you were bi?" I ask softly, not letting my eyes look at her.

"I don't know. I guess I just realized I looked and fantasized about girls the same way I did with guys, and when I thought about my future I could see myself with either," she explained and I nodded my head silently.


"No reason," I shrugged, going back to my schoolwork that needs to be done desperately.


A/N: Not fully edited because it took me too long to write this and I wanted to publish it ASAP!

Predictions? I guess it's obvious...

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