12. i'm not leading you on

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A/N: Sorry this took so long, I had major writers' block. Not fully edited because I got lazy.


After we've both devoured our food we step out of the car to get some fresh air. I find myself staring at Billie rather than the breathtaking view of the city right in front of us. My eyes are drawn to her lips, I miss them more than ever and I find myself wondering what a kiss would be like if it meant more than just friendly desires.

She glances at me, finding me staring at her to which she chuckles. My eyes drift from her lips to her diamond eyes. "What?" She chuckles.

I bite my lip and scan her face for a moment longer before she speaks up.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

I shake my head and softly move a hand to her cheek, seeing her shiver under my touch. I stare at her lips for two seconds before moving closer as my eyes drift shut. She pulls back and hangs her head down, "Please don't lead me on when you don't mean it," she says sadly.

"I'm not leading you on," I shake my head, rubbing my thumb on her cheekbone. She lifts her head up, looking at me with both confusion and excitement. "Huh?"

"I miss your lips...I think I'm falling for you."

We take a moment to search each other's eyes before she finally decides to lean in closer to me, grabbing my hips and pulling me closer to her, our lips meeting in a desperate kiss. I know what her lips feel like, but I didn't know how it felt for us to both desire each other simultaneously, both of us craving each other.

Our lips move together in perfect sync as my hands ruffle through her hair, hers on my hips making me feel hazy. I feel her tongue drag along my bottom lip and I open my mouth slightly, letting her slip her tongue into my mouth. I smile into the kiss and she pulls away only an inch from my face. I begin giggling and she pulls away completely, looking defeated.

"You changed your mind?"

"No, no," I shake my head eagerly, grabbing both her hands and pulling her back in front of me, "I just didn't know that kissing you like that would feel so good and I'm relieved," I explain truthfully.


I nod my head in response and a smile pulls on her lips. I press my forehead to hers before connecting our lips again.


"Madison!" I heard my name being called from downstairs which made me roll my eyes but I complied, rolling out of bed and walking down the stairs.

Both my dads were sitting around the kitchen island with serious faces... "What's going on?" I asked, nerves building inside of me.

"Zayden isn't doing well."

"What?" I furrowed my brows.

"Mentally," dad clarified. "We were wondering if you could try talking to her. We know it won't be an instant fix but we think you showing interest in her and her life might help."

"Talk to her about what?"

"Maybe you could take her somewhere?" Papi proposed.

"Yeah, okay," I nodded my head and ran back upstairs.

I knocked on Zaydens door, getting a groan in response. Opening up the door, there was Zayden wrapped up in many blankets, staring at the ceiling.

"Z, let's go out," I walked over to her window and opened up the blinds which caused her to whine.

"No," she said simply.

"I'll carry you if I have to. We can go get your favourite ice cream and then go to the mall." I walked towards her closet finding a cute outfit for her.

"No thanks," she shook her head.

"I told you, no is not an answer. Now get dressed and I swear to god if you aren't ready in five I'll come and change you myself," I said sternly before setting the outfit beside her and leaving the room to go change myself.

Luckily she changed and met me downstairs, we walked to my car in silence and I let her take the aux. I've been in her position before and I want to do everything I can.

Once I parked at the trendy ice cream shop I realized Zayden didn't get out of the car with me so I walked around to her window where she opened it up. "You not coming in?"

She shook her head and I gave her a nod before walking in and ordering her favourite flavour. Once getting back to the car, a smile pulled on her lips and she thanked me. "Can we go to the beach instead of the mall?"

"Of course," I smiled. The rest of the afternoon was spent goofing off in the sand though I could still tell she wasn't 100% herself.

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