61-Revenge Pt. 1

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Had to break this chapter up because it was gonna be wayyyy too long even for me to write in one chapter. I know I said C.F. would be updated next, but with my health and stuff it was just easier to finish this chapter up first since it was already more written than the next chapter for C.F. (Which is still being written, it's not completely blank I promise haha). Thanks for the endless love and well wishes and I hope y'all like this and the next part when I complete it!! ❤️❤️

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Previously on The Succubus

When I came back, I chuckled and grinned as I saw my baby knocked out like a light on my side of the bed. Hair all sprawled out and her body wasn't even remotely close to being under the covers.

Done tired the poor baby out.

I'm just amazed that she went to sleep without us being near for her to touch.

With my grin still on my face, I walked up to her and cleaned her up before I put a warm towel between her legs to soothe her muscles and tied her hair up so that it wouldn't get tangled. I had already put the ibuprofen on the side of the bed for the morning and with everything being done now, I turned off the lights and got in the bed beside Nicki, lightly pulling her body over to me so she could lay on my chest to which she clung onto me in her sleep and released a content sigh as I pulled the covers over us and rubbed her back soothingly until I'd relaxed myself enough to fall asleep myself...



"Braxy where'd your shirt go?" I asked with a giggle as I came from the bathroom and saw him in our bed only wearing his diaper, baby bracelet from mama Carol and durag. In return I just got a loud giggle as he smiled and started crawling away from me as I chased him onto the bed and caught him; immediately subjecting him to tickles as the little shirt bandit laughed up a storm with his wiggling body trying to get out of my hold.

     I then really made him laugh uncontrollably when I grabbed his ankles and held him upside down like a bat which amused him to the max as he started screaming with laughter.

"Why doesn't my little bear like clothes hmm?" I asked as I lifted him up so that his face was right in front of mine and swayed him lightly like a little monkey.

"No cwothes" he protested proudly and we both started giggling as I continued to swing him around and threw him in the air before I caught him in a cradle and swarmed him with kisses which made his infectious laugh continue to erupt.

"Why does mama's baby not like clothes in the house? You like running the no clothes committee with your sisters?" I cooed and Brax continued to giggle as I finally put him back on the bed and let him think he could get away before I got his ankles again and scooped him back up. I tickled his feet and he tried his hardest to break free from my grasp as he hysterically laughed. I could see his face getting red from laughing so much, so I finally gave him a break and plopped him on the bed before laying with him as he finally caught his breath and crawled on top of me with his snaggletoothed grin.

"You tired?" I asked him and he shook his head as he tried to get his revenge and started trying to roughhouse knowing he would lose immediately when I started playfully getting him back with the sound effects and all, which he absolutely loved until he finally admitted defeat and rolled off of my chest and hugged my neck tiredly. I then wrapped my arm around his body and snuggled him because I knew his energy was all out for the moment and now he wanted to be clingy until he got it back.

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