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There are time jumps in this chapter so pay attention.

Previously on The Succubus

     Now in complete darkness and isolation, I instantly began to cry my heart out in fear as I had one of the worst panic attacks to date. I crawled into the corner of the room and jumped when I felt something touch my foot. After fearfully inspecting it, I realized that it was a blanket and in my outright panicked state, I curled up in a ball and continued to have a full blown panic attack until I somehow cried myself to sleep with the same thought running through my mind like a record.

Bey, where are you?...


That next morning
Mama Tina POV

     The whole house had been unusually quiet and depressing ever since the kids all decided to stay with us in hell for the weekend and potentially longer for Beyoncé. There wasn't any laughter like there usually was and I damn near had to force Beyoncé to eat dinner because she was so stressed out and unstable. The only laughs you'd hear were from the babies and even then they weren't as frequent as they usually were.

     After dinner where Beyoncé was so reserved and closed off as if her mind was both numb and running wild, she quickly retreated to her wing of the house and the only other time I saw her was when she was coming back up from level 7 with renewed billows off smoke erupting from her hair and body. After that she scooped up the babies along with their bottle of pre pumped milk and disappeared to her wing again without another sign of her. Granted it was quite late anyway, but Bey never went to bed so early. She'd always put the babies down and then come hang with us for more time which was why it was so odd when she didn't do that tonight, but I understood why she just wanted to be alone...

     We still had no leads on where Nicki could be and still had no inkling of if she was alive or not. In fact, the words "death" and "dead" triggered Beyoncé so much that she would quickly cut someone off to negate the words and the possibility.

     You could tell that she was closed off to everyone by the movement of her eyes telling me that she was thinking a mile a minute in that talented brain of hers. My baby was all types of worried and it always pains a mother when she sees her child unhappy.

By now it was around 4:00 in the morning when I got up to go grab a glass of water from the kitchen. As expected the house was as quiet as a mouse so that made me believe that everyone was asleep in their quarters. However, I couldn't help but to feel like not everything was as it seemed. I had gotten that motherly instinct. So with prior knowledge of what happened today, I went on a whim and assumed that it was the oldest that was making me feel that gut feeling. So once I had gotten my water, I quietly made my way over to Bey's wing of the palace and saw that her door was slightly cracked open.

     I carefully peaked in to check on her and the kids and through the darkness I could see that Bey was more than awake with all three sleeping babies laying securely on her chest as she looked over them and held them snuggly in her grasp. Her eyes were bloodshot and fatigued as if she had either stayed up all night or had been crying and from my guess it looked like she had done both.

"Baby have you been up this whole night?" I asked worriedly and all I got in return was Bey staring intently at the babies while she softly brushed through each of their wild curls.

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