68-Family Dinner

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Previously on The Succubus

Eventually, Robyn stopped acting like a big sister and stopped digging into Mel jokingly. The night then continued as we celebrated for a little with us all lighting sparklers and running around the beach while a photographer took pictures for us. After that, Solange and Robyn disappeared which made Nicki and I sneak away to what led to a VERY damn good anniversary opener. Like Nicki was giving up prime top-tier pornstar pussy tonight and I ain't even do nothing special so you already know I felt beyond loved. It's a good thing we're leaving tomorrow because Nicki ain't gonna be able to say a damn thing when she wakes up because she was sucking the literal soul out of me as soon as we got back into the bedroom, but a that's only the tip of the iceberg for how sore and drained Nicki was gonna be later on. That's what happens when you're on the mic til your voice hurts and fucking until you're knocked out cold in the bed. And no I'm not sorry for doing that to her. Happy anniversary...



     It was nearing the end of February and things were going splendid

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It was nearing the end of February and things were going splendid. Nicki was working hard to get back in shape for med school and I was back working in the office dealing with the same incompetent coworkers I started with. The hardest thing to do was train my body to wake up at 4:00am every morning again and I had to actually look presentable on a daily basis now.

I'd usually come back home to Nicki napping with babies because I always came home when she took her hourly study break. She was back to being extremely anal about things and this time I knew it was due to her trying to get her brain back in medicine mode. Thankfully the babies weren't giving her a hard time. They were used to studying with their mommy and on Fridays when I worked from home, they loved being with me all day because they got to hear me yelling at people which was funny to them.

I was almost finished with work for the day as Giselle had practically chewed out the athletics department for undershooting the expenses for renovating the training facility. I was responsible for numbers and if the numbers weren't adding up then someone was needing to be yelled at for their errors. This time it was athletics and next time it'll probably be the AP department. They weren't used to a chancellor who was a perfectionist so I constantly had to show them that their errors weren't gonna just go unnoticed.

I was FaceTiming Solange because I was bored and when she answered the phone she surprisingly didn't look like she wanted to rip her hair out.

"Why you look mighty happy this good Thursday" I greeted her with me over exaggerating my southern accent.

"There's one random day each month where I don't have to yell at people" She answered and I just nodded as I twirled my pen through my fingers.

"How's #3?" I asked knowing that Sol knew that was code name for Robyn.

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