72-Happily Ever After

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You know how long I've been thinking about/wanting to write this chapter?! This entire plot has been set in stone since the very first chapter so the only time consuming part is writing out all the details and plot points each chapter. Tbh this chapter was fully mentally written before I even wrote the book. So I hope you guys enjoy what is probably my favorite chapter and please show lots of love since this is quite literally the longest chapter I've ever written out of every book I've made (18,569 words).

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Previously on The Succubus

"Thank you for tonight baby" I whispered into her hair that I was massaging and brushing my fingers through since I knew it soothed Bey.

"Anything to make my queen happy" she finalized with her voice deepening and sounding more raspy due to her tiredness. After falling into a comfortable silence with us just lightly feeling on each other, we exchanged our  nightly I love you's before closing our eyes and using each other's soft and soothing touches to drift away to the most peaceful and recharging sleep we'd ever had.

My do I love my damn life.


Nicki POV

     Today is FINALLY the big day and I couldn't be happier. Like I literally woke up grinning from ear to ear as I stretched my limbs and opened my eyes. I was so excited to see what Bey had created in that extravagant and extremely imaginative mind of hers. Oooh I was kicking my feet under the covers from pure happiness and the fact that soon I'd be Mrs. Maraj-Knowles had me over the moon.

     As I sat up in bed I realized that of course Beyoncé wasn't here, but neither were the babies. However there was a note on a pretty pink notecard with a cursive O written on the front of it. Immediately, I picked it up and awed.

Good morning my Queen,

     I'm so excited to see how beautiful my soon to be wife looks this evening and I hope that what I've got in store for you makes you feel nothing less of a Disney princess, or better yet a Disney Queen. Our princesses and prince are spending the day with me so that you have nothing but yourself to worry or fixate on. I want all of the attention to be strictly on yourself today because you're too good to me and our babies to not get the same treatment yourself from us. May this FINALLY be your happily ever after and may I finally get to give you my last name like I've been wanting to since the day I first saw the woman of my dreams. I love you Angel ❤️


With my lips now forming an extreme pout from the wave of emotions her words always made me feel, I gently placed the note down and finally saw the trail of pink rose petals leading from my side of the bed to the bathroom. Immediately I smiled from the sight and after getting out of bed to follow the trail, I saw that inside the bathroom there were pictures covering the entire mirror with the exception of a heart placed in the center so that I could see my reflection. Each photo showcased what looked to be every photo that Bey and I had ever taken together during the course of our relationship and they were printed on Polaroids with each photo having either a date, description or location written in Beyoncé's handwriting.

One that stood out was our first family picture in the NICU with the triplets in their protective encasing since we couldn't hold them yet. Michelle had taken the picture for Bey because she was too focused on holding the babies' birth certificates in name order just to show how bad ass our miracles were. Meanwhile I was just leaning on her shoulder as I was in the middle of trying to calm Braxton down with coos since he was getting hungry. Under the photo, Bey simply wrote:

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