32- New Findings

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Previously on The Succubus

"Still not taking any chances. You and my baby will be stress free from now until October" Bey voiced while lightly tapping Nicki's butt to nudge her up the steps. Nic liked seeing Bey already in mama bear mode, but she didn't want to be babied this much for the rest of her pregnancy. She decided to just follow instructions and slowly walked up the steps and into her bedroom to start getting ready for bed. Downstairs, Bey turned around and finished cleaning the kitchen and downstairs while constantly saying to herself "My baby's having a baby". When she finally finished cleaning, she turned off all of the lights downstairs and headed upstairs to go get ready for bed, still not fully believing that she was gonna be a mommy.


Onika POV

"Ughhh are you fucking kidding me!" I yelled once my laptop froze. I've been using the same MacBook since my senior year of high school and it just recently started acting up. This is the third paper it's done this too and each time I get stressed because I never know if it's gonna save and if it doesn't, I get even more worked up.

"Unfreeze damnit!" I huffed angrily as I continued to try and move my mouse around. I didn't want to reset it because of the risk of losing all of my progress and right now I wanted to shout, scream and cry all at the same time. I raked my fingers through my hair to try and calm myself down, but when I saw the laptop screen abruptly turn black, I could feel the panic in me skyrocket.

"No, no, no, no, please don't do this to me!" I rushed out as I tried to wake the screen up with the mouse. After a minute of watching the laptop reboot itself, the screen woke up and I lost my shit when I saw it immediately crash after showing me that the last five pages were completely blank.

"WHY?! Fucking WHY?!" I shouted as I stood up from the chair and stormed away from the worthless device. I was just about finished with the damn paper and writing it had been such a great challenge due to the topic of discussion. Before today, I was slowly progressing on the paper due to not wanting to stress myself out and also because when I sat at the desk for long periods of time, I would get incredibly nauseous. Now, I've completely lost the little bit of control I had on my mood and I was flying off the rails, now angry crying while feeling my face heat up from my meltdown.

Oni babe, calm down before you make yourself sick.

Tanya, we worked so god damn hard on finishing that paper and THIS is what we get in return?!

I know, but you need to calm down before you stress the baby out.

Tanya was right and I needed to quickly gain control of my hormones again. It's shit like this that throws me off and whereas I'd usually take a more calm approach, the littlest shit can make me snap now. I heard the ringing of my phone from on the bed so I sucked my teeth and walked over to it, absentmindedly pressing the accept button and lashing out to whoever was on the line.


"Okayyy, I'm gonna hang up and call you back and in those next two seconds I hope you realize who you're talking to" I heard the deep, husky voice announce before hanging up. The phone then rang again with her caller ID and picture flashing across the screen and I sighed and took a deep breath before accepting the call and putting the phone to my ear, my heavy breathing being the only sounds between us.

"Now, tell me what's wrong and why you're yelling after I specifically told you to not stress yourself out" she asked and I immediately broke down on the phone.

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