43- Accomplishments

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Previously on The Succubus

"Mommy's sorry. No more shots my loves" I cooed to the two fussy girls and soon they calmed down enough for us to continue on with their check up where we were given the instruction to keep watch of any flared up reactions on the kids. Once we were all checked out, we went to go grab something sweet to eat before heading back home where Sol and Robyn later came over to spend time with us and see their nephew and nieces until dinner time where I ended up cooking fajitas for the four of us.


Nicki POV

"Okay so here's their bag of everything they'll need and I already put their pumped milk in the freezer. If the kids are separated for whatever reason and they get fussy for not being with their siblings remember that Brax likes the stuffed rabbit, GiGi likes the giraffe and Kam likes the bear. Gianna gets impatient when she's hungry and all of them love listening to music of some sort. And-"

"Nicki baby we've gotten everything locked into memory. Plus you've already given us the typed up list of things to know and a feeding schedule for them" Mama interrupted while holding up the two sheets of paper.

"I'm sorry, I've never not been near the babies, so I'm freaking out on the inside" I admitted while Bey went to go say hello to her father with the babies in their carriers.

"And on the outside, but that's okay. I was like you when I had to leave Bey and Solo with the royal caretakers when they were infants. As a first time mother, you don't want to miss anything or be in a position where you're not in control of the situation, but I can assure you that the kids are in good hands. Me nor Mathew would never let anything happen to our grandchildren"

"I know that. You guys are the first people I'd trust them with, I'm just having separation anxiety"

"It's okay. That's why Bey gifted you a full day to yourself where you can relax and keep your mind busy all at the same time" she replied while rubbing my arm and I nodded to show that I was listening to her. After talking some more about the kids and her constantly reassuring me that they'd be fine, Bey came back in the room and waved us over to her with her finger over her lips. Mama and I skeptically followed her and our suspicion immediately withered away once we saw what she wanted us to see in the living room. There laid Mathew in his recliner watching television with all three of the babies resting on his chest, soundly sleeping while Matt enjoyed some old school cartoons.

Nic, I'm 99.9% positive that the babies'll be just fine. They already have the meanest man in the universe wrapped around their finger.

I gave Bey a soft smile from her reassurance before I sighed and turned around as I prepared to walk back into the kitchen. It quickly became time for us to separate from our children and after trying to protest, I lost and ended up being lightly dragged back into our house by Beyoncé. Since we were already dressed, we only had to grab our purses and head to the car.

"I miss them already" I whined and Bey only chuckled before opening my door and ushering me inside.

"They'll be brought back to us in one piece tomorrow. Enjoy your free day baby and take today to focus on yourself and your health" she voiced while squeezing my thigh sweetly. I gave her an understanding sigh while I tried to actually enjoy today without the kids.

"So where are you taking me first?"

"Well I'M only taking you to the most luxurious spa in Texas to get a full body rejuvenation. Then I called my driver to take you to your next stops while I go run some errands and pick up your surprises for later on"

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