55-Sqaure Zero

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Previously on The Succubus

As Michelle retreated to go retrieve Nicki's parents. I sighed and got more comfortable in the bed with my poor baby still shaking every now and again on my chest with her little space mask on as she looked like she was finally at peace even if it was only for this short period of time. I delicately put a soft kiss on her temple and lingered my lips there because I just wanted to close my eyes and focus on listening to her breaths and feeling her chest rise and fall to reassure me that she was truly alive and safe in my arms.

"Oh, how I missed you, my love" I whispered into her hair with so much love and gratitude in my voice as I kept hold of her and engraved the missed feeling of her warm body against mine......

I'll never let you go...



It seemed like my brain couldn't fully shut off as I was so afraid that if I slept for too long, the universal system would reset and Nicki would no longer be safe in my arms anymore. So every 45 minutes I'd wake up and cautiously open my eyes to make sure that Nicki still wasn't a figment of my imagination.

You don't know how sentimental and rewarding it was to finally have her scent back in my presence. To be above to finally sense her again made me feel a feeling that I couldn't even describe. To feel her in my arms was even better and it was so reassuring when I'd rub her arm in my sleep and feel the raised skin from her tattoo on her arm. Little details like that, made her presence all the more real to me each time I'd get scared and get afraid that she was gone again.

After a certain while, I couldn't fall back asleep because I kept dozing on and off again with no consistency so my body just decided to stay awake for the time being. The only lights in the room came from Nicki's monitors and her finger scanner that was glowing red on her middle finger. Her body was still fearfully clinging onto me like a koala with her face laying in the crook of my neck and her arms tightly wrapped around my body for dear life. She still had her cute little space mask on her face to make sure that she stayed oxygenated and sedated and it was so relieving to hear her breathing and know that she was finally back.

     However my moment of peacefully adjusting to being awake was immediately halted when Nicki started shaking and thrashing terrifiedly while her heart monitor began to rise drastically and her breaths started to become shallow as she was beginning to hyperventilate.

"N-No! P-Please!" I heard her muffled mouth voice in sheer panic as she tried to escape with her eyes still closed. She was having a nightmare and her tears were making me sad as her face showed nothing but complete terror on it.

"Nicki baby, it's okay. It's not real baby, it's just a dream" I cooed in her ear while holding her tightly, but not enough to stress her out in her nightmare.

"Get away! BEY!" She screamed out for me through her mask while continuing to shake violently and cry in her sleep.

"I'm right here Angel. I'm right here baby. Follow my voice, you can do it" I encouraged while I rocked her and held her head against me. I didn't want to wake her up because that would only make things worse by startling her. Psychologically, you're supposed to ease someone out of a nightmare and not shake them awake because that just adds onto their overload.

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