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Previously on The Succubus

"How are you the one who got fucked and still picking me up?"

"Guess those last three inches really make a difference" she joked and Nicki scoffed playfully before letting Bey carry her to the bathroom where they had a nice hot shower. Nicki washed Bey's hair for her and once they were back in the freshly changed sheets of the bed, Bey massaged the burn out of Nicki's thighs with oil until they both had winded down with Bey laying on Nicki's boobs.

"Thank you for today baby" Nicki voiced to a comfortable Bey who was enjoying her new pillows.

"You're more than welcome Angel" Bey replied sweetly and from there they both fell into a peaceful sleep...


Two weeks later

     I was laying on my stomach, enjoying a wonderful sleep until I felt a body come crashing down on me.

"B.B. wake up, it's Christmas!" A cheerful Nicki voiced as she straddled my back and bounced up and down.

"Nooo" I groaned groggily as I tried to shake off Nicki, but she was still holding on.

"Babe it's Christmas!"

"And it'll still be Christmas in two hours" I said back and Nic sucked her teeth before pulling the covers from off of my body, but I stayed still.

"Babyyyy"  she whined and I groaned in return before rolling over under her and slowly opening my eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked sleepily and she looked at the clock on the nightstand.

"It's eight o'clock Ebenezer Scrooge" she replied and I gave her a unamused stare.

"Haha very funny"

"Stop being a grinch and get up. Mama's cooking chocolate chip waffles" she voiced to me and my ears immediately perked up at the sound of food.

"There's food downstairs?! Why didn't you start with that?!" I said excitedly as I sat up with Nicki still in my lap. She got up first with me following, and after I did my morning hygiene, I put on some pants and rushed downstairs to the smell of good cooking. We were currently back home in hell because that's just a family tradition we have of staying together for Christmas. Once I reached the kitchen, I realized that I was the last one up like usual and that mama was indeed making waffles and all the other breakfast fixings.

"So nice of you to join of us bumblebee" mama said with her back turned to me. She had those demon black mama senses that made her aware of everything and one of those things is knowing when her children were near. I walked up to her and kissed her cheek with a good morning before doing the same to my father. Nicki went and took her seat at the island with Robyn, and I chose to sit by Sol who was surprisingly not being a little shit this morning. We talked about random things going on in the world while I secretly made sure everything was all set for Nicki's Christmas present. To be honest it's just been Nicki's birthday all month and it would actually carry over into New Year's Day.

Soon, we heard mama announce that breakfast was ready and we all bum rushed her to get first pick for the waffles, even though we knew that she'd make more if she needed to. I had already told Nic that I'd make her a plate and that she could pick out a spot in the living room. Once everyone fixed their food, we all migrated to the living room where we'd watch This Christmas and reminisce on how when Sol and Robyn first started dating, on their first Christmas together they got caught kissing in the pantry by yours truly all because Robyn's giant head knocked over a bag of almonds.

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