31-Surprises and Disguises

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Previously on The Succubus

Once dinner was over and Bey and I were back home, I reverted back to my baby ways and made Bey run us a nice, relaxing bubble bath to which she enjoyed just as much as I did. Finally we threw on our night shirts, settling for no undergarments and laid down in the bed where we watched My Wife and Kids reruns until we laughed ourself to sleep...



This new job transition is stressing me the hell out because now instead of dealing with teachable college kids, I'm now being tested by grown ass adults who want to undermine my intelligence since I'm extremely young. Since I'm the youngest board member by a long shot and one of the only women, the old, hating bastards rarely ever consider my input unless they absolutely need it WHICH THEY ALWAYS DO since their stupid, money hungry decisions always backfire and I'm always the one who has to be the hero and save the god damn day. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my new position and I'm very grateful for it, but it just gets frustrating when my intelligence is overlooked due to what should be non influential factors. They all picked me for this position and quite frankly I think they're intimidated by me. So to "keep me in my place", they refrain from indulging in my almost always accurate decisions, in fear that I'll overpower them on their own jobs.

Putting away the negative side to my job, there's tons of positives. One being that I am now in a influential position to help better the university in terms of quality of education. That's pretty much the only subject the board let's me have complete control over and even though they won't admit it, I've created one the best solutions to upping the university's academic rank with a 97.9 percentage of success. I've only been chancellor for a short period of time, but my decisions have predicted long term benefits academically and I wish one the snoody board members would try and discredit me. Most of them only have two to three degrees and I have hundreds, so who do you think knows better about education?

Another positive of my job is that I get my own workspace where I don't constantly have to be bombarded by students everyday. I get the biggest office on campus, it sits on the top floor of the main building and there's only two more people on the floor with me, but their offices are on the complete opposite side since my office sits at the very end of the hallway. I get the big double doors with my name engraved on a gold plaque. The inside is huge with a extremely large desk which has already been used for my pleasure, a lounging sofa and floor to ceiling window that overlooks the beautiful campus. Nicki sometimes comes to bring me lunch and eats with me until she goes back home to finish schoolwork. She's now enrolled in online school for her masters so she usually works in the home office that sits on the first level of the bedroom until she's done with everything on her agenda for that day.

As far as Nicki's well-being, she's been pretty good. She hasn't really shown any pregnancy symptoms in the past couple of weeks, which is not unusual, but I'm impatient and want to know now if she's pregnant or not. The thing is, is that Nicki's afraid to take one because she thinks she got her period two weeks ago due to her bleeding some that day, but she's also not sure. So now she's been putting off seeing Michelle for a blood test since she doesn't think she's pregnant. To try and persuade her, I told her how mama didn't get symptoms until the end of her first trimester, but Nicki's being stubborn right now.

In fact, to keep her mind off of the subject, she's having a family get together with everyone coming to the new house since we never had a housewarming party due to hectic changes. So, while I'm out grocery shopping with her long list of ingredients, Nicki's sleeping until she has to get up and cook. She does that a lot now on the weekends and I just think it's because of the vast amount of papers she's already had assigned in the last month. When I come home from work she's either sleep or doing classwork in the home office.

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