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Previously on The Succubus

"Come on Bey get through them" I whispered under my breath as I felt my body start to shut down. My eyes were desperately trying to close, but I was determined to stay awake long enough to help her stay invincible til end. Bey had officially made it halfway through the archangels and I was pushing my body to the max to protect her; confident that I could keep powering her invincibility just a little bit longer until I abruptly felt a searingly sharp and agonizing pain in my neck that made my sight instantly fade until everything was pitch black......

To be continued....



     In the blink of an eye I was blindsided by a gigantic swarm of  Angels; my already hyper focused state focusing on tackling them as quick as possible and giving them no room to strike me with their royal weapons. I was surprisingly mowing through them with not a scratch or a slice on my body that I knew of and what was even weirder was that I honestly wasn't feeling anything. Any hits being put on my body felt like little taps that my kids would inflict on me and that must've meant that I was too far gone in my ultimate demonic state to notice.

When I had finally gotten through each and every one of them, I came out of my incoherent black out state just enough to look around and see that Sol and daddy were finishing off a few more demons in their area so I flew over to help them quickly and when we were done, we made sure there were no other threats around and that's when I noticed that something was off. I looked and counted the guards and my sister and father, but then everything stopped when I realized something.

"Where's Nicki?" I asked loudly as I scouted my surroundings for her frantically. From my aerial view I looked far and wide for her both in the air and on the ground and I couldn't see her anywhere.

"Dad, I can't find Nicki!" I shouted with my eyes bouncing from one area to the next and that alerted my father as he looked around just like me.

"Where was she last?" Solo asked as she flew across the open area in front of the palace.

"Before I blacked out I left her on the balcony" I answered worriedly as I flew to the balcony to get a closer look.

"She's not here damn it!" I yelled with a mixture of anger and panic in my voice.

"Scour the building for her!" My father forcefully ordered to the guards who were in his sight at that moment. I continued to frantically fly around and it felt like my eyes were going a mile a minute; searching for Nicki in every and I mean EVERY possible area out here.

"I'm gonna go fucking ballistic if I look around this building one last time and still not see her" I voiced to myself as I flew with nothing, but bubbling up anger and worry for my baby. When the inevitable came and I still saw no sign of her on my last trip around the palace, my mind had already gone insane and if I went any longer without seeing Nicki in my sight or having her in my arms I would be having a meltdown.

"Could she be inside with the others Ju?" Sol asked from the front of the palace and that reminded that I did tell her that if she got trapped to teleport inside. A sliver of hope graced my mind as I flew towards her and bursted into the palace and further into the room where everyone fled to. I switched out of demon form and sprinted down to the underground level of the stronghold where I bolted into the panic room and felt time immediately stop as I looked at every face in this room one by one to make sure that I saw Nicki.

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