33-Downward Spiral

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Previously on The Succubus

"Alright let's get you home so you can feed my babies and rest" she said as she pulled off from the drive thru and I simply gave her a thumbs up while I laid my head against the window and rested my eyes while she drove us home.



Well, life has been hectic. Nicki's health hasn't gotten any better and in all honesty it's gotten worse. Since the babies have gotten bigger, the pressure on her body has gotten more severe. There's always one baby sitting cozily underneath her rib cage, one baby in the middle against her spine and the last baby right above her bladder. As a result, she goes to the bathroom more and at night, it'll hurt to lay on her back. The baby that always stay at the top of her belly mainly only causes problems when they get snuggled into the small space and cause Nicki's chest to hurt. When it's time for bed, she gets restless because she can't lay on her stomach or her back. So most times I end up spooning her while rubbing her stomach and massaging her scalp until she falls asleep. She's been a real trooper for these past few months and even though she's going through hell right now, she always tries to keep a smile on her face.

Now on a lighter note, one thing that has changed for the better though, is her sex drive. Any free time she has where she's not suffering with pregnancy sickness, is a time where she's insanely horny. I mean like she'll walk into the house stripping because she's in dire need of a release. Now, am I upset about the new shift? Absolutely not! Her pussy was already fantastic, but PREGNANT PUSSY?! A whole new experience and it's definitely a pleasurable one. The only downside to her heightened sex drive is that after hours of draining each other, her energy immediately drops drastically and it takes longer for her body to gain its strength back. That's why I try very hard to limit our rounds because I don't want her to completely lose all of her energy.

Now, as for mood wings, she's become bat shit crazy. One minute she'll be completely happy and in the next she's flipping the fuck out on someone while then switching to angry crying and then just plain bawling her eyes out. If you do so much as breathe the wrong way, she flips out and I've almost gotten stabbed with a plastic fork because I took ONE SIP of her drink at a restaurant. When she's not mad, she's the sweetest thing in the world, but once you piss her off, she becomes the literal mother from hell and for once Tanya is more sane and reasonable than Onika. Tanya's been in control more often because when Nicki's energy levels are low, they switch so that Nicki can gain her strength back.

When Tanya's in control, she doesn't flip out as bad because she usually tries to separate herself from the situation that is stressing her out, but when she can't, Tanya turns evil and lashes out. They both apologize for their meltdowns after the fact and I don't blame them for having random surges of anger since it's not in their control, but sometimes I'll just fuck the attitude out of them and once they've woken up from being fucked to sleep, they'll usually be good as new.

Today is the day that we get to find out the sexes of the babies and Nicki's super excited as am I. Today marks 18 weeks for her and she's now in the midst of her second trimester which means that soon they'll be moving around more and that also means more pain for her which bothers me slightly because Nicki's already at a seven in pain everyday and I don't know how much more she'll be able to take before it becomes too severe. Right now, Nicki's getting dressed to head out and I asked Solange and Robyn if they wanted to meet up with us after Nicki's appointment so we could start shopping for the babies. They still don't know about the two extra babies living inside of Nicki, but I planned to surprise them later on at the mall.

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