Chapter 1

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It's been about 6 months since Jc went back to Texas, I still feel empty. Kian and Sam have done all they could to make me feel better, but it just isn't working. Kian soon got a girlfriend and now its just me and Sam.

"I miss Kian" Sam said as he laid on my floor scrolling through instagram.

"Yeah me too, but he really wants to work through the problems he's having with Sara. He'll be back soon" I smiled and sat down on the floor with him.

"It's thursday, want to watch Jc's new o2l video?" Sam reached for my laptop pulling up the o2l channel

"Umm no that's ok"

"Aww why not? He shot it with Ricardo"

"Just not right now ok"

"Fine" he stuck his tongue out at me and logged into his tumblr

I looked down at my phone seeing a new text. I was hoping it would be from Jc, he had finals next week so he and Ricardo had been studying a lot, I have barley talked to him. The text was from Mau, me and him had become very close since Jc and I got together. He was coming to California during his winter break with his girlfriend for her photo shoot.

Mau: Can't wait to come see you soon❤

Me: I know just two more weeks! Have you talked to Jc about coming with you?

Mau: I've tried, but he just kinda blows the conversation off before I can.

Me: It's whatever I guess

Mau: I just don't think he likes Heather so I feel like he'd say no.

Me: Mau! He said he liked her, and just tell him you're staying with me and Sam. Gosh You're not helpful at all :p

Mau: Well you haven't told him either

Me: Touche:) But I haven't talked to him in like two days

Mau: Well if I see him, I'll talk to him

Me: Thanks boo ❤

Mau: Anytime :*

"Want to go see if Kian is at the mall?" I asked Sam as I put my phone in my pocket

"Is Sara working today?" Sam looked up at me

"It's thursday right?" I looked at my watch "Yeah she starts in like 10 minutes, he'll probably drop her off then grab something to eat"

Sam laughed "You know him way too well"

We got to the mall about 15 minutes later and headed to the food court. I spotted Kiki over by Chipotle and ran over to him.

"Meet me in the dressing room at Pacsun in 5 minutes" I whispered in his ear

"Umm what, no - oh hi" he turned around and saw it was me. A huge smile spread across his face and he tightly hugged me "I've missed you"

I broke the hug and hit him in the chest "It's your fault you never see us, asshole"

"Well you know how Sara feels about me and you hanging out alone. Where is Sam by the way, I thought I saw him"

"Oh yeah, he ran into Zummiez to grab a beanie" I laughed

"Want some food?"

I shot him a look "Did you really just ask me that?"

He laughed "Yeah that was dumb. Usual?"

"Thanks Kiki, I'll go find somewhere to sit" I sat down and pulled out my phone.

Sam: Where'd you go?

Me: I'm sitting at a table by Chipotle, Kian is inside getting food - go in there if you want something :)

Sam: Save me a seat!

I knew it would take the boys a bit so I decided to try and call Jc

"Hey babe" I heard Jc sing into the receiver

"Hi. What's a handsome boy like you up to right now?" I smiled happy to finally hear his voice

"Just studying my brains out. Wishing I could be with you though"

"Aww I miss how cheesy you are. So have you talked to Mau today?"

"No why? I mean he texted me earlier but I was super busy so I didn't text him back, you know I'm the worst texter ever"

I rolled my eyes "Yeah I know"

"Is it important?"

"Kind of. I mean you know him and Heather are coming to California for winter break right?"

"I knew they were going away. Now why does this concern me?"

"Oh my gosh Jc! He wants you to come with them"

"So I can see you?" I heard his voice lighten

"Yeah" I smiled huge into the receiver

"I'll have to hit him up after I'm done studying." he slightly sighed "Which Ricardo is telling me to get back to doing. I'll Skype you tonight, I love you."

I giggled a little bit "Well tell Ricardo I said hi. I love you too" I hung up and put my phone in my pocket.

"Finally get to talk to your boy" Sam said as he sat down

I slightly blushed "Yeah, he said he's going to talk to Mau about coming with him and Heather during break."

"I like Mau, he's chill" Kian also sat down handing me my food.

"Thanks, and yeah he's a cool guy. So are you and Sara going to come and hang out with us when they come?"

He shrugged "Maybe, I mean she picked up more hours so it might just be me"

Sam laughed "Yeah and what's wrong with that?"

"Well I mean ever since she found out about me and my whole feelings for Kaitlyn thing she hasn't been the biggest fan of us hanging out together."

I sighed "That's dumb I mean we've been friends since we were like 5"

"You're right. I had planned on talking to her about it, she does like you so I don't really see her problem"

"Good" I smiled and began to eat my food.

We all sat and talked for a while, it was like old times. I hadn't realized how much I had missed Kian and how big of an impact he had in my life.

Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now