Chapter 13

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'We're gonna go upstairs' Sam awkwardly said once we got inside

'Okay' I looked down and rubbed my arm nervously

He gave me a sympathetic smile and followed Eric up the stairs

'Aren't you going to go with them' I looked at Kian, who hadn't left my side since we got out of the car

'Im not going to leave you' he whispered into my hair 'We're in this together, remember?'

'Umm yeah excuse me, I'm right here' Jc's voice rose behind us

I gave Kian a worried look and turned around 'Let's go sit at the table or something' I suggested

'So....' Kian drew out as we all sat down

Jc just kind of looked at us, a hate swimming in his eyes

'Want a cup of coffee or something?' I nervously asked, getting up and heading towards the kitchen

I heard footsteps behind me and was relieved to see it was Kian when I turned around 'So what's the plan?' He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the pantry, out of Jc's sight

'You think I have a plan?!' I loudly whispered back to him 'I just offered coffee, I obviously don't know what the hell I'm doing'

'Okay' he shrugged 'I guess we'll just wing it. Maybe Jc has a lot to say or something'

I began pouring cups of coffee and loaded everything on a tray 'Yeah cause that's what we want' I rolled my eyes and headed back to the table

'So are you done now? Cause I didn't fly all the way from Texas just so I could sit here at the table alone while y'all fuck in the pantry'

'But we-' I began

'Yeah I'm gonna talk now'

My face dropped, I had never seen this kind of attitude from jc before and I could tell by the look on Kian's face that he hadn't either

'So kian' Jc leaned across the table 'How long had you been planing to steal my girl?'

'I never planed on stealing her' Kian played with the coffee mug in front of him

'Oh so you're trying to tell me that you didn't plant the whole bad couple and not real love thing into Kaitlyn's head. Because I don't think that she thought we had a problem, I just think poor Kiki wanted Kaitlyn all to himself.'

'He never-' I butted

'Shut up' Jc stuck his hand into my face

'Don't tell her to shut up' Kian began to get up

'What are you gonna do, hit me? You aren't that kind of person Kian' Jc leaned back in his chair and smirked

'Why are you being such a dick?'

'Because I hurt, I want y'all to feel like shit, like I do' Jc's face began to soften 'I know I fucked up, I knew I was going to lose Kaitlyn at one point...I just didn't think it was going to be to one of my best friends'

'You know Jc' I finally spoke up 'I just don't understand why you're so mad, I mean you left me'

'Yeah I know' he looked at me 'and I regretted it as soon as I got home'

'Then why did you wait so long to call me? Why did you wait two fucking weeks?!' Tears began to run down my face

Kian grabbed my hand under the table, I squeezed it and lightly smiled.

'I don't know, I was scared...embarrassed. But the other night when Sam called me and told me about you two I knew I needed to really clear things up'

'What do you mean...clear things up?' Kian asked

'Well I guess I just wanted to apologize again. I didn't mean to get so mad, and I'm sorry for that' he looked down 'but I guess to be honest, I'm glad you're the one she went to'

'Yeah?' Kian's face lit up

'Yeah.' Jc looked up at Kian 'I mean it hurts knowing that someone else is the one making her happy now, but I like knowing the guy won't fuck her over and that he truly loves her...'

I looked at him and smiled 'He does make me really happy. But I don't want you to think that you never made me happy, because you did.'

He smiled back at me 'And I mean, I guess I always saw you two ending up together'

'Everyone keeps saying that. I don't really get why though' Kian chuckled

'You guys just kind'

'Oh' I blushed 'So, how long are you staying?'

'Just until Saturday, I really only came to apologize face to face and you know give both of us closure. I don't want to not be friends'

I smiled 'I'm glad you did, because I really don't want you out of my life'

'Same' he pulled at his sweatshirt and took a sip of the now cold coffee

I pulled my phone out and texted Sam that it was safe to come down now

'So we all good?' Sam and Eric appeared behind us

'Yeah' Jc smiled

'Good. Can we go to bed now, it's like 3' he whined

'Yeah, but you know you didn't have to wait up for us'

'Ehhh we wanted to' Eric shrugged

'Mind showing me to the guest room?' Jc asked as we all got up

'Sure' I smiled

'Ok so extra blankets are here, pillows are here, and towels are here' I pointed to everything in the closet and pulled out some pillows to set on the bed

'I know where everything is' Jc chuckled

'Then why did you ask me to help' I set the pillows down

He shrugged 'I don't know, I just like being around you I guess'

'Oh, well goodnight' I gave him a kiss on the cheek

'Goodnight' he smiled

I walked out of the room and headed to my own. Kian was already laying in bed when I got there, he looked up from his phone and smiled at me as I closed the door.

'You ok?' He wrapped his arms around me as I got into bed

I set my head on his chest and took in his warmth 'Yeah...I think'

'Well I'm here if you need me' he kissed my head 'you know that, right?'

'Yeah, I do' I reached up and kissed his jawline.

We laid there quietly for a bit 'Kian?'

'Yeah babe?' He sleepily mumbled

'I love you'

I felt his heartbeat get faster 'I love you too' he said. He leaned down and gave me a kiss, I could feel the smiled plastered on his face.


Twitter: @fueledbysierra


Insta: fueledbysierra

Tumblr: sampepperoncini


Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now