Chapter 4

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"Oh my god it's so early" Sam groaned as he dragged himself down the stairs, he pulled a tshirt on over his bare chest and sat on the couch pulling on his shoes. "I don't even understand how you're so perky"

"Oh I don't know, maybe it's the fact that I didn't go to bed at 5 knowing I had to wake up at 8" I said as I stood in front of him pulling on my sweatshirt "Or maybe it's the fact that I get to see Jc today, take your pick Sam either way I still look better than you" I laughed and grabbed at his sweatpants

"Whatever, just because you have pants on doesn't mean you look better than me" he got up, pulled a beanie on and flicked at the messy bun on my head.

I grabbed my car keys and headed for the door "Come on let's go, we have an hour and a half drive still"


"What are you whining about you'll probably sleep"

He shrugged and took a sip of his water bottle "True"

"Sam wake up" I lightly shook his shoulder

"No just let me stay here" He hit my hand away and curled back up into the passenger seat

I rolled my eyes and opened my door "Suit yourself" I got out and shut the door, I let a chuckle slip out as I leaned against the car

I watched as Sam's eyes shot open and he quickly reached for the handle "Wait wait wait, I don't want to stay alone" he mumbled and he began to quickly walk to the building.

I coughed loudly and he turned around smiling when he saw me "I wouldn't leave you Sammy"

I walked up to him and he swung his arm around me "Let's go get your man"

I laughed "Yes please"

We walked into the airport with a couple of minutes to spare "Want something?" Sam pointed over to the Starbucks across the room

"Sure, caramel macchiato" I smiled and walked over to the information desk as Sam strolled over to get our coffee.

"Hi how can I help you?" A pudgy man with a blazer and bowtie asked as I walked up

"Umm can you tell me when the flight from San Antonio is supposed to come in" I smiled and quietly waited as he checked his computer

"Hmm well it seems to have been delayed. It should be here in about 1 or 2 hours." He looked up from his computer "Waiting for someone special?" he lightly smiled

"Yeah my boyfriend" I smirked and looked at the ground "Thank you for your help" I waved and walked over to join Sam in the coffee shop, he was just grabbing our coffees when he spotted me "So are they here yet?" He asked handing me my cup

"Thanks" I smiled and took a sip "No, they got delayed and aren't expected for another hour or so"

"Ugh" Sam sighed and took a seat at one of the vacant tables "So what do you want to do?"

I sat down with him and took a sip of my drink "I don't know, I guess just sit here"

Me and Sam talked for a while about the usual, I helped him plan out some new videos and we talked about plans for the upcoming three weeks. I overheard on the loudspeaker that the San Antonio flight had landed, I smiled at Sam and the both of us got up from our table.

"I'm so nervous" I said as we waited for everyone

Sam lightly chuckled "Why are you nervous?"

"I don't really know" I shrugged and giggled to myself.

Sam and I stood for a while talking to each other. I soon saw Sam smile and looked behind me, my face lit up and I went to turn around.

I felt myself being lifted off the ground "Put me down!" I screamed as I heard Jc's soft laughter fill the area.

He set me down and I flew into his arms "I missed you so much" He whispered into my ear

"I missed you too" I pulled away and kissed him.

"Hey I'm the one who hasn't seen you in person before, I deserve the first hug" I saw Mau pout behind.

"Aww hi Mau" I smiled. I broke from Jc's grip and walked over to him giving him a hug

He gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek "I'm so happy to finally see you. So this is Heather" he pointed to the pretty brunette girl next to him, she wore a beaten up jean jacket over a black floral dress and combat boots

"Hi, um I'm Kaitlyn" I awkwardly said, feeling embarrassed in one of Jc's sweatshirts, a pair of ripped blue jeans and some pink vans.

"Hi" she waved back politely.

"Can we go back home now" Sam interjected.

"Yeah let's do that" Jc smiled and grabbed my hand as we walked out to the parking lot.

"I'm going to take a nap" Sam said when we arrived back at the house "Kaitlyn will show you where everything is" he yawned and headed up the stairs.

"You know what, I think I'm gonna take a nap too" Mau yawned and looked at Heather "You wanna join me?"

"Sure" she shrugged "Can you show us our room?" She shot me a smile and I took them upstairs

"Here you go" I opened the door to the guest room next to Levi's playroom "The bathroom is down he hall on the right, My room is two doors down on the left and Sam's is right across from mine" I smiled and began to walk away

"Thanks love" Mau said as he walked inside shutting the door.

"Hi" I said as I sat on the couch next to Jc

"Hey there beautiful" he gave me a kiss on the cheek and set down the remote "I've really missed you"

"I've missed you too, like you don't even know" I kissed his nose and pulled his beanie over his ears "You've stretched your ears bigger" I smiled

He put his hand up to my cheek and chucked "Just trying to catch up with you"

I giggled and cuddled up into his chest "I like having you here, it just feels right"

"I've only been here for like 10 minutes" he laughed and wrapped an arm around me "but you're right it does"

"Hmmm I'm always right" I closed my eyes and listened to Jc's heartbeat slowly feeling myself fall asleep.

"Hey babe" I felt a strong hand lightly shaking my shoulder "wake up" Jc whispered in my ear

"But why" I kept my eyes closed and hugged his chest

"Cause we're going to Corey and Jarrad's party" he lightly pinched my nose

I slowly opened my eyes and brushed my lips on his jawline "Do we have to?"

He kissed the top of my head "Yeah, it'll be fun"

Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now