Chapter 18

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"Morning" I smiled and gave Kian a kiss on the cheek as I walked into the kitchen

"Mmmm, Morning" he said with a mouthful of cereal

I grabbed an apple and sat next to him at the counter "Sam home?"

"Ehh I don't know" he looked at me and shrugged "hey! I was gonna wear that today" he leaned over and tugged at the hoodie I was wearing

"It looks better on me" I took a bite .of my apple and smirked

"Hmmmm no, I expect it back"

"Oh rude!" I lightly pushed his shoulder

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding" he gave me a kiss on the cheek "I still want it back though"

"Fine" I stuck my tongue out at him and finished my apple.

"So what are we doing today" Kian asked as we walked up the stairs a couple of minutes later

"Well, Corey invited me to hang out with him and Jarrad today" I looked at him as I sat on my bed

He sat next to me "What about me?"

I shrugged "He didn't say anything about you"

"He probably has some kind of plan..."

" get me back? Yeah, I was thinking the same thing but I mean Jarrad's gonna be there" I got up and walked to my closet to get dressed, I pulled off my cheer shorts and grabbed some jeans off the floor. "Oh here" I stripped off his swetshirt and tossed it to him

"Thanks." he set it down next to him. He got up and walked over to me, sitting in the computer chair "I think I'm gonna go with you"

"Kian I'm not 5, I think I can handle myself" I said as I pulled on my favorite tie-dyed tshirt

"You've said that before and look at all the shit you've gotten yourself into lately"

I sighed "Fine. But only because I don't feel like fighting with you"

"You only don't feel like fighting because you know I'm right"

I rolled my eyes "Whatever, I'm gonna go see if Sam's here or not. Get dressed, I plan on leaving soon"

I heard him sigh "Yeah okay"

I shut the door and walked over to Sam's room, I lightly knocked on the door "Yeah" I heard a mumble

"Sammy?" I poked my head in

"Hey cutie, come in" I heard him laugh

"Hi" I smiled and sat on his bed "So how was last night?"

"It was good, Megan's chill."

"I knew you'd like her"

He laughed "You're so right. Thanks"

"Welcome. So I kind of need a favor.." I rubbed the back of my neck and looked at him

He sat up "Yeah what?"

"Well last night I ran into Corey like after I saw you in the bathroom and he asked me to come hang out with him and Jarrad today. I told Kian, and he's insistent on coming with me and well - will you come too?"

"Uhhh yeah sure" he got out of bed "But I can't stay like forever, I'm taking Megan out tonight" he mumbled as he rustled around his closet pulling out some shorts and a tshirt

"Awe cute, what are you gonna do?" I got up and began to make his bed

He looked at me and lightly laughed "Thanks and I was thinking you know dinner and a movie. Something basic"

Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now