Chapter 15

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'Jc' I broke the kiss and whispered 'Why?'

'Because I love you' he locked eyes with me and lightly moved my hair out of my face and sighed

'But you told me you were okay with me being with Kian. You lied, I thought we agreed not to lie to matter what' my vision became blurry as tears started to form in my eyes.

'But I didn't lie, I am okay with you and Kian being together.'

'Then why did you kiss me?'

'Impulse, I just wanted it to be like it used to be'

'Well it's not going to be...I love Kian and that's that' I grabbed the water for Sam , leaving Jc in the kitchen.

'Where'd Kian and Eric go?' I asked Sam as I handed him his water and cover him with a blanket.

'Kian took Eric home and then was going to go his house to grab some stuff.' He sipped his water and set it onto the table 'So what happened with Jc' he lowered his voice and moved a little so I could sit next to him.

I set his head in my lap and played with his hair 'Jc kissed me'

'What?!' Sam's eyes got wide as he looked at me

'Yeah. He said he still loved me and stuff'

'Are you gonna tell Kian?'

'If course - I don't think it'd be right for me not to'

'Well just be careful how you say it, you know how he can take some things'

I sighed 'Yeah I know. I'm so sick of this drama, I just want to have a normal relationship. This fucking sucks'

'Yeah I know but you'll figure it all out, you're a strong person. I believe in you' he smiled at me

'I'm glad someone does' I smiled back at him

'Hey guys I'm back' Kian plopped on the chair

'Hi babe' I leaned over and gave him a kiss. Sam had fallen asleep so I slowly got up from under him and sat over in Kian's lap 'I have to talk to you'

'Umm okay.' He nervously looked at me

I grabbed his hand and began to play with his fingers 'Jc kissed me and told me he still loved me'

'He did?' Worry washed over his face 'What did you say?'

'That I love you and that he had to deal with that'

'Oh' he smiled 'good' he leaned down and kissed me 'Where is he by the way?'

'Upstairs I think'

'Oh well, I'm going to go put my stuff in your room and have him come chill with us. He leaves tomorrow and I don't want us all to feel awkward.' He lifted me off of his lap and set me back on the chair.

I sighed 'okay'

About 10 minutes later they both came down the stairs laughing, I couldn't help but smile. The fact that their friendship could have been ruined was something I had always worried about.

'Hey guys' I smiled as they sat on the floor

'Hi' they both smiled back

'Kaitlyn, I'm really sorry about earlier' Jc nervously rubbed the back of his neck and looked up at me.

'It's okay' I lightly smiled

I looked over at Sam and saw him start to stir 'What are you guys doing?' he mumbled

'Nothing' Kian shrugged

'Oh well I'm gonna go upstairs to sleep, I still feel like shit' he got up and dragged his blanket with him

'I'm gonna bring him some water and medicine' I got up, grabbing the glass off the table and followed Sam.

'You're the best' Sam said after I tucked him into his bed

'I know' I smiled and kissed his forehead

I walked to my room and quickly changed into some sweats and a t-shirt.

'Movie?' I asked as I sat down on the couch

'Sure' Kian shrugged and sat next to me

'Yeah sounds cool' Jc settled himself into the chair

'Okay' I turned on Paranorman and heard both of the boys sigh 'what?!' I laughed

'A kids movie?' Jc chuckled

'Fine you choose' I smiled and tossed him the remote

He put on Lords of Dogtown and smirked 'Better'

'You're lucky I like this movie or I'd have to fight you' I cuddled into Kian and kissed his jawline.

He smiled and tightened his grip around me 'This is good' he whispered

'Yeah, it almost feels...normal'


Twitter: @fueledbysierra


Insta: fueledbysierra

Tumblr: sampepperoncini


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