Chapter 9

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I let the hot water hit my body and wash away all the events of today. I was so heartbroken and down, but I was hoping my boys could help me through this. After wrapping myself in a towel and blowdrying my hair, I walked to my closet and slipped on my favorite tie-dye high waisted shorts and a white tank top.

"Are you ready to go?" Kian popped his head into my room

I put down my black eyeliner and pulled on a black cardigan "Yeah. Do I look ok?" I slipped on my black vans and smiled at him

"You look beautiful" he smirked and turned to leave my room.

I took my phone off my dresser and checked it, nothing. I couldn't believe Jc didn't even have the decency to call or text me. I sighed and turned it off, setting it into the drawer of my nightstand.

"Kaitlyn! Come on let's go!" Sam yelled from downstairs

I checked my make up in the mirror again and ran down the stairs. "Ok, ready" I grinned and followed the boys out the front door.

Corey and Jarrad's house was only a block or two from me and Sam's house so we decided to walk, as usual. I felt Kian grab my hand and he smiled at me, I smiled back and entangled our fingers together. I saw Sam look at us and smile, I glanced at him and blushed.

We walked into the house and Kian led me to the kitchen "The usual?" he asked me as I leaned against the counter

"Yes please" I smiled

He opened the fridge and grabbed a redbull, pouring it into a cup with some vodka. "Here" he handed me a cup and took a sip of his own.

"So, where's your boyfriend?" Corey walked into the room with a smirk on his face.

I looked at Kian, who was standing next to me.

"He left" Kian wrapped an arm around my shoulder

"It was your fault" I looked at Corey

He walked over to me with a smile on his face "Babe you know it wasn't all my fault" he pushed my hair out of my face and locked eyes with me. His face softened a bit once he saw the sadness in my eyes "I'm really sorry though" he gave me a hug and lightly rubbed my back.

I sighed "It's ok" I shrugged "I guess it was bound to happen sometime. It was just becoming too hard and we're young, why waste our time on a dead end thing anyway."

"You know, I'll always be there for you and well..." he grabbed my chin making me look into his eyes "I still love you"

I moved his hand away and chuckled a little "Yeah, but I don't love you" I grabbed Kian's wrist and walked with him out of the room.

"Little harsh don't you think?" Kian asked as we sat down outside by the pool.

"Yeah but he makes me so mad, and anyway I don't love him anymore - he broke my heart...why should I go back to him" I took another sip of my drink and grabbed at Kian's hand

He smiled and looked at me "Are you sure you're ok?"

"Actually, I feel happier. Like I don't know - I love Jc soooo much, I really do. But it was just so hard, I hated not being able to hold his hand or kiss him whenever I wanted, I hated knowing that if he was there I wouldn't have to sleep in my bed all alone. I want to be with someone that I can see all the time and can make me feel wanted and loved"

"You know" I felt Kian scoot closer to me "I can do that" he set his hand on my leg and smiled at me

I looked down and began to blush "Yeah, I'm sure that you can"

"Hey can you guys just kiss or something already" We both turned around to see Sam and Jarrad standing behind us.

"Seriously" Jarrad laughed

Sam knelt down next to me and set his lips by my ear "I've always been rooting for you two" he smiled and stood up, taking Jarrad inside with him.

As soon as they closed the door Kian and I looked at each other and began to laugh.

"It's nice to hear you laugh like that again" Kian said, getting a bit more serious.

"What are you talking about?" I looked at him "I always laugh like that"

He set his hand on my leg again "No you don't, your laugh wasn't as genuine as it used to be, there was always a sadness to it"

I felt butterflies in my stomach as Kian rubbed my leg, I smiled and leaned closer to him. He smiled and leaned in closing the gap between us. After being friends for so long, I was finally kissing Kian - I couldn't explain what I felt, it was like someone set their fourth of July fireworks display off or something. I had never felt this way when I kissed Jc, I smiled and broke the kiss.

"That was -" Kian began

"Perfect" I finished his sentence and smirked, leaning in and kissed him again.

He set his hand on my cheek and locked eyes with me "I don't think I'll ever be able to explain how you make me feel"

I blushed and looked down "I feel the same way"

He laughed and grabbed my hand "Let's go inside, it's starting to get cold"

We got up and opened the sliding glass door, stepping inside.

"So?" Sam jumped in front of us with a grin plastered on his face.

"So?" I smiled at him

"Ahhh I'm so happy" he laughed and kissed both me and Kian on the cheek

"Time to go home?"

I looked at Kian and he nodded "Sounds good to me"

"Yeah, I'm kind of done here anyway" Sam laughed "There are like no cute girls here, just the same that are always here" he rolled his eyes and headed for the door.

Kian and I followed, I grabbed at his hand and smiled. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. We caught up with Sam and began to head home.

"So you guys don't think that this was too soon, I mean Jc just left." I sat on the couch leaned up against Kian as Sam laid upside down in the chair next to it.

"I don't think so, I mean your relationship kind of felt like it was over as soon as he got on that plane last summer" Sam said giving me a serious look "After that it just felt like a casual hook up or friends with benefits thing, especially these past couple of weeks"

"Oh" was all I could get out

"He is right" Kian added "It just felt uncomfortable." He began to rub my stomach "And don't think that I'm saying that because I wanted you, I mean I had a girlfriend most of the time"

Sam and I laughed "Yeah a shitty one" Sam threw out

"Eh I thought she was pretty cool" Kian shrugged

"Hey!" I lightly hit his arm

"Don't worry, you're way better" He leaned down and gave me a kiss

I smiled and got up off the couch, "I think I'm gonna go to bed...wanna come with" I winked at Kian and offered my hand

"Oh hell yeah!" he laughed and grabbed my hand pulling me up the stairs.

"Be careful you two!" I heard Sam yell from downstairs.

Kian smashed his lips into mine and pushed me down on the bed "Ugh you don't know how long I've wanted to do this" he bit his lip and began to unbutton my shorts.

Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now