Chapter 11

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'Kaitlyn?' I heard Jc on the other line

'Umm yeah, hi' I set my hand over the receiver and looked at Kian and Sam 'I'm gonna take this to my room'

They nodded and I got up.

'So why did you wait so long to call me?' I asked as I plopped onto my unmade bed

'I was embarrassed. What I did was so heartless and so hurtful - I never pictured myself doing something like that, especially to someone I love so much'

'Jc I don't know what to say. I mean you really hurt me' my voice cracked and tears began to run down my face 'Like a lot'

'I know, I know. It was really selfish of me, I thought that me leaving would be a good thing because I didn't think I could beak up with you face to face.'

'Seriously Jc! So you thought just writing a note and leaving while I was sleeping would better?!'

'Im sorry ok what else can I say, I made a mistake'

'Obviously. And you're right, you can't say anything else - so why don't you just stay the fuck out of my life!' I hung up my phone and threw it across the room. I buried my head into my pillows and began hysterically crying again.

'Kaitlyn? Don't cry' Levi appeared next to me and laid on my back 'Was Jc mean to you?'

'I'll try not to, and yeah...Jc was mean to me' I mumbled into the pillows

'Well it's ok Kaitlyn' Levi kissed my head 'you can come play Legos with me, that'll make you feel better' he got up and stood by my bed waiting for me

I slowly got up and smiled at him 'Ok bud, lets go'

After building a whole Lego village with Levi, I heard a sigh behind me. It was Sam, 'Levi, it's time to go to bed'

'But Sam I don't wanna!' Levi threw a Lego man towards him

Sam walked closer to us and picked up Levi 'You can play with Kaitlyn later ok. It's really really late'

'But she's sad, she needs me to play Legos!' He began to cry

Sam walked out of the room with him 'I'll help her feel better,ok?'

I got up and followed them to Levi's room 'Goodnight Levi' I leaned down and gave him a kiss 'thanks for playing Legos with me'

'Goodnight beautiful' Levi smiled

Sam said his good nights and we both left the room.

'Come on' Sam pulled at my wrist 'Kian wants to talk to you'

I have him a scared look 'I can't deal with anyone else leaving me' I grabbed my wrist back 'I'm not going down there' I turned my heel and ran to my room, slamming the door behind me, I slid down to the floor and began to silently cry again

'So is this what you're going to be now, scared all the time? What are you going to do hide in your room and just shut everyone out!?' I heard his footsteps go down the stairs.

I just sat there quietly, I reached for my phone seeing missed calls and texts from Jc. I sighed, debating whether I should call him and apologize. I set my phone down and slid it across the floor, watching it go under my bed.

I crawled into my bed and stared out the window. I felt one side of the bed go down and a pair of arms wrap around me.

'Kaitlyn?' I heard Kian's voice whisper into my ear

'What do you want?' I turned around and faced him

'I just want to talk to you' he set his hand on my cheek

'Well I don't want to talk to you' I turned my back to him again

'I'm not going to leave you if that's what you think. I promised you I wouldn't, remember?'

'Then why do you want to talk to me?' I turned back around facing a sad looking Kian

He leaned in and gave me a kiss 'I just wanted to say that, telling Jc to stay out of your life isn't going to help you'

'How do you know I said that to Jc?'

'I was walking to the bathroom while you were on the phone and I heard you'

'Why didn't you come in to make sure I was ok? How come it was Levi and not you?'

'I didn't want to see you crying again, it hurts me too much - so I sent Levi in'

I snuggled my head into the crook of his neck 'Thank you'

'Do you wanna go downstairs?' Kian asked giving me a kiss on the head

'Sam is really mad at me right now' I sighed

'Well I'm sure if you apologize it'll all be fine' Kian shrugged and got off the bed grabbing at my hand

'Hmmm okay' I took his hand and left the room with him

We got downstairs and Sam was laying on the couch watching Friends

'Sam?' I said with a small voice

'Ohhh so now you come downstairs' he sat up and looked at me 'I thought you didn't want to talk to Kian?' He crossed his arms and turned back around

'Sam, I'm sorry. I really am, Jc has made me so paranoid. I just feel like everyone is going to leave me now' I walked over to the couch and sat in his lap - he still wouldn't look at me 'Sam' I pouted at him and poked at his cheeks

A little smile creeped onto his face 'I can't be mad at you' he gave me a hug and chuckled.

Kian sat on the couch by us and I squeezed myself in between them 'I love you guys'

They both gave me a kiss on the cheek 'We love you too'

We sat on the couch for a while just watching old Friends reruns - I turned to look at Kian and saw he was sleeping. I then turned to Sam, who was still awake but had a weird look on his face.

'Hey ummm Sam? What's wrong?' I awkwardly threw out

He turned over to me and gave me a sincere look 'I did something I shouldn't have'


'I ummm told Jc about you and Kian' he spit out

'You did?!'

Kian stirred 'what's going on?' He mumbled half awake

'Sam told Jc about us!'

His head shot up 'Dude?!'

'Im sorry! I was just mad and you know how I get when I'm mad - I do really dumb stuff' he stuck his head into his hands 'I'm sorry'

'Shit!' Kian got up and began to pace around the room, he reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone '8 missed calls and 20 texts ...all from Jc'

I got up and wrapped my arms around him 'We have to talk to him'

He buried his head into my neck and draped his arms around me 'He probably hates me'

'No one can hate you Kian'

He let go of me and plopped back down on the couch 'I don't know, I mean I kind of hate me'


Ok so I want to give Lexi (rickydminaj) a shoutout because I just love her and she's the best -> so go read her Ricky fan fic

Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now