Chapter 3

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"SAAAMMM!!!" I jumped onto Sam's bed trying to wake him from his daily afternoon nap.

"What?" He groaned keeping his eyes shut "I'm trying to nap"

"Jc's coming tomorrow though!"

"I know, you've been talking about it all day"

"Let me be excited" I sat on his bed and pouted

"Go be excited in your own room, I'll join you when I wake up" He threw his bedspread over his head and began to softly snore again.

I sighed and walked out of his room "I guess I could clean my room up" I mumbled to myself as I opened my door. Getting a full look at my room I was disgusted at how disorganized it was - I plugged my phone into some speakers and began cleaning.

"Whoa" Sam walked into my room several hours later "I've never seen your room this clean before"

"I know right? But you know when no one's home and some people decide to sleep the day away what else can you do?" I laughed as I hung the newly untangled fairy lights on my four-post bed.

"Want to clean mine?" Sam chuckled as he sat at my desk

I shot him a look "I don't think so, your room is a whole different story - I'd be risking my life"

He laughed and turned to my computer logging onto twitter "When did you say Jc, Mau, and Heather are coming?"

"Ummm" I looked at my phone "Jc said like 3ish. He said he'll text me when he knows for sure so I can pick them up"

Sam turned to face me "We"

"Yeah, yeah we" I grabbed my laptop off the floor and logged into facebook "Correy and Jarrad are having a party tomorrow night, wanna go?"

"Oh that'd be a great way to welcome them!" he chuckled as he scrolled through twitter "Think Kian and Sara will come?"

"Maybe, I guess I could text him" I shrugged grabbing my phone off my nightstand

Me: Hey Kiki:) Going to Correy's party tomorrow night?

Kian: Didn't know he was having one

Me: Well you should come! Jc, Mau and Heather will be there:)

Kian: Maybe...I'll ask Sara

"He said he'll ask Sara" I shrugged throwing my phone to the other side of my bed

Sam jumped up from my desk "Want to go skating?"

"But it's already dark out, you basically slept all day loser"

"Fine, want to watch a movie with me?"

I shrugged "Sure"

We headed downstairs and Sam picked out a movie "Scary?"

"Sounds good, I'll go get some snacks" I headed to the kitchen and heard a knock on the door "Sam can you get that!"

I heard soft voices and footsteps heading upstairs. I shrugged assuming either Kian stopped bye or the shirts Sam ordered had already arrived.

"Hey there hot stuff" I heard a smooth Australian accent behind me

"Oh hi Corey" I turned around and smiled "Gonna join me and Sam's little movie night"

"Sure, Sam and Jarrad are upstairs so I guess we'll have to wait" He inched closer to me and smiled.

I set my hands on his chest, trying to get him to keep his distance "Corey, we aren't dating anymore and plus I have a boyfriend"

He lightly sighed and flashed his big blue eyes at me "I know but, I just miss you sometimes" He touched my cheek and moved closer to me again

I lightly touched his arm "I miss you too" Corey had this hold on me, maybe it was because he was my first love, maybe it was because he just never left my life but either way I couldn't let it ruin what I had with Jc "Corey, stop" I moved my arm and pushed him away

"Come on Kaitlyn. You know things would be much easier with me than with Jc. I'd be here for all the time, I live right across the street for fuck's sake and I wouldn't make you feel like shit"

"He doesn't make me feel like shit!" My voice raised slightly "He can't help it if he doesn't live here, I still love him!"

"And I still love you, I know you feel the same way! Ever since Jc left you've been in this rut and I know if you left him and came back to me you'd be happy again"

I looked down at the floor and wiggled my toes "I am happy, Jc makes me happier than anyone else. But you know Corey, maybe if you hadn't fucked me over last year we would still be together and you'd be the one I thought of before I fell asleep, but you did and it still hurts" I pushed him out of the way and headed upstairs, I avoided looking in Sam's room and shut my door.

I sat on my bed and placed my face into my hands, my phone went off and I smiled seeing it was Jc.

Jc: Hey babe. We got an earlier flight and we'll be there around 11

Me: I'm so excited, I really need you right now

Jc: Why what's wrong?

Me: I miss you! Do I need a reason to need you?

Jc: No but I just wanted to make sure everything was ok

Me: It is now that you're coming - I love you

Jc: I love you too and I'll see you tomorrow

I sighed and slammed my face into my bed - I felt bad for lying to Jc but I couldn't tell him about Correy, he already didn't trust him. There was a knock on my door, I loudly groaned into my pillow.

"Kaitlyn are you coming down?" Sam and Jarrad poked their heads in.

"Yeah, it won't be the same without you" Jarrad smiled at me

I groaned again and pushed myself off of my bed "Sure, I'll be right there just let me change"

They both smiled at me before heading downstairs. I pulled myself up and began to walk to my closet to put some sweatpants on - I was walking past my bulletin board when I stopped, seeing an old picture of me and Corey from 2 summers ago. I went up to it and lightly touched it, the picture was from the day he asked me out - we dated for more than a year. I sighed and took it down shoving it into one of my desk drawers.

"Wow took you long enough" Sam threw some popcorn at me as I sat next to him on the couch.

"Sorry I wanted to get comfortable" I stuck my tongue out at him "Oh and we have to be at the airport by 11 tomorrow"

"That's soooo early though" Sam moaned setting his head onto my shoulder "Do I have to go?"

I chucked "Sam I never said you had to go, you told me earlier you wanted to"

"Oh well then I'll go" He smiled and grabbed the remote turning on the movie.

I felt eyes on me and I turned to see Corey looking at me from the other side of the couch, he caught my eye and pointed to his phone - I soon felt mine vibrate.

Corey: So are you bringing Jc to my party tomorrow night?

Me: No I was going to make him stay here all by himself. Seriously Correy, you need to just let me be - if I had wanted to stay with you I wouldn't have carried this relationship with Jc for so long

Corey: Whatever, I just don't like him ok

Me: Good, he doesn't like you either

Corey: Have you even told him about us? Or does he think we're just 'close old friends'

I sighed and shoved my phone into the pocket of my hoodie. I heard Correy cough and chuckle a little

"I'm going to bed" I got up and stormed upstairs.

Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now