Chapter 2

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“Hey there, you and Jc skypeing tonight?” Sam plopped on my bed  

“Yes. And seriously Sam why do you have to be in my room all the time.” I smiled “You have your own right across the hall” 

My mom worked at a advertising company and had been moved to Florida so she could work on a campaign - I had been living with Sam for about 3 months, and I really loved it. 

“Well I would rather be in your room with you, than in mine alone” 

“Fine but you have to leave when Jc calls me”

“After I say hi” he crossed his arms and smiled 

My computer began making the annoying sound it usually did when someone was calling me on skype, I felt butterflies in my stomach just like I did every time Jc talked to me. Before I could grab my laptop Sam’s stringy arms already had it. 

“Hello” he answered hogging the whole screen 

“What’s up Sam?” Jc’s angel like voice filled the speakers 

“Just wasting Kaitlyn’s precious time with you because I want her all to myself” He turned and smiled at me

I sighed, quite audibly and heard Jc laugh. 

“Bro, I promise I won’t talk to her for too long” 

“Fine” Sam pretended to be upset and handed me my laptop “I’ll be back” he reached the door and turned around “And I’ll be listening” he laughed and closed my door. 

I rolled my eyes and turned back to my laptop “Hey babe” I smiled trying to get into a less awkward sitting position. 

Jc laughed at me “Hi” he shot me a huge smile “Guess what?” 

I fixed my hair and looked at him “What?” 

“I’m going to come to California with Mau and Heather so I can see you” 

“Eeeep!” I squealed and couldn’t stop from smiling “Are you being serious - I can’t have you lying to me” I tried to make my face more serious but the excitement was too overwhelming. 

His brown eyes gleamed “I wouldn’t lie to you about something like this” 

Tears filled my eyes and looked up at the monitor “I am so excited” 

“Aww babe don’t cry” 

“I’m just really happy”

He chuckled “I’m so glad you’re happy.” he then sighed, his mood shifting “I feel like you’ve just been really upset lately and I just don’t like seeing you like that, it makes me sad. I want you to be happy, it makes you look even more beautiful than you already are” 

I studied his face as it softened “I am so sorry Jc” I looked down “It’s just since you left I haven’t been able to pick myself up, and then my mom moved - don’t get me wrong I love living with Sam but me and my mom used to be so close” I sniffled a bit and looked up seeing sadness in Jc’s eyes “And then Kian just up and left once he got a girlfriend. My heart can only take so much” that was when I broke, tears silently fell down my face as I looked back at him. 

Jc sat there with his face in his hands “Baby I am so sorry I can’t be there, I wish I could more than anything. I’ll be there as soon as I can so I can hold you and kiss you and make you feel better.” he sniffled a little and rubbed his eyes with his palms

I touched the screen, feeling like a complete idiot but at the same time feeling a bit better. I sighed “Just two more weeks I guess” I weakly smiled at him 

He also lightly touched the screen and chuckled at the action “I wish it was sooner” 

“Same, but at least we get to see each other” I hugged my knees and smiled at him “I love you” 

A smiled spread across his face “I love you too” He yawned and checked his phone “It’s 3 and I have a final tomorrow - I’ll text you ok” 


“I promise, goodnight beautiful” 

“Goodnight handsome” I smiled and hit the end button, that was always my least favorite part. I yawned and put my laptop away “Sam you can come in now” I slightly yelled trying not to wake up Levi who was sleeping down the hall.

Sam walked in with just his boxers on - he smiled as he opened the door but it dropped as soon as he saw my face, he came up to my bed and sat next to me beginning to rub my back. “What’s wrong?” 

I squeezed him in a hug “I just miss Jc, my mom and Kian. It all hit me at once and I just didn’t handle it well as well as I should have” I looked at him and smiled “But I have you and that’s what is getting me through it” 

He smiled “I’d do anything for you Kaitlyn, you’re basically my sister and it kills me to see you sad and upset like this” 

“Thanks Sam, I don’t know what I would do without you” I gave him a kiss on the cheek and got up, I headed over to my closet and threw on one of Jc’s shirts and some cheer shorts “I’m going to go to bed” I yawned “You can stay if you want” 

Sam laughed as he crawled under my covers “I would have stayed even if you didn’t want me to. I won’t let you go to bed upset”

I smiled as I got into my bed, I curled up next to Sam soaking up his warmth “Thank you Sam” 

He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me “Anything for you” 

Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now