Chapter 20

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-6 months later-

'Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn!' I rolled over and opened my eyes to see Kian standing over me with a huge smile on his face.

'What?' I mumbled rolling my face into my pillow.

'Happy birthday!' He basically screamed in my ear

I waved my hand around until I hit him 'How do I turn you off?'

'Babe come on get ready, I have a surprise for you' he whined

I groaned and pushed myself out of the bed, Kian greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I lightly smiled and padded down the hallway of our new apartment.

'Ahh finally!' Kian said from the kitchen as I sat down at the counter

I smiled and ran my hand through my damp hair 'Do you know where my hair dryer is?'

He shook his head 'I haven't seen it'

'Oh' I reached and grabbed an apple 'that's okay I guess. So what's my surprise?'

Kian smiled and sat down by me 'I can't tell you' he took a bite of his toast 'its a surprise...duh'

I pouted at him 'But I hate surprises.'

'You'll love this one' he lightly chuckled

I finished my apple and threw it away, 'okay let's go' I got up in his face and smiled

'I never said we were going somewhere' a smiled danced across his lips

'Uggggghhhh' I set my head on his shoulder 'then what is it?'

'Im not going to tell you' he got up and walked over to the couch, he plopped down and turned on the tv

I followed him and wiggled my way onto his lap. I began to kiss all over his face, moving to his jawline and down his neck.

'Stop' he chuckled and moved his head

'Fine' I crossed my arms and turned to the tv

He wrapped his arms tightly around me and snuggled his head into my neck 'I love you' he mumbled

I kissed his head "Love you too Kiki'

'Come on, we're gonna have lunch with Sam and Megan' Kian said a couple hours later

I sighed 'do we have to' I shot him a look

'Yeah, it'll be fun'

I crawled out of his lap and walked to our room to get my shoes. I stopped and looked in the mirror, making sure I looked okay. I shrugged at my plain outfit and grabbed my lavender cardigan out of the closet.

"This okay?" I spun in a circle as I approached Kian

"You look beautiful" he pulled at the belt loops of my white shorts "like you always do" he planted a sweet kiss on my lips and smiled

"You're just saying that because it's my birthday" I smiled and slipped my hands under his tank top.

"Come on lets go" he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY" Sam tackled me as I opened the front door

"Ahhh! Hi, I thought we we're picking you guys up?"

"He wanted to come suprise you" Megan smiled and handed me a small box "Happy birthday, this is from both of us"

"Thanks" I opened it, seeing the anchor bracelet I had my eye on "Aw you guys remembered!" I smiled and handed Kian the bracelet "Will you put it on"

Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now