Chapter 7

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'So what do you want to do today?' I began to play with the strings on Jc's sweatshirt as I had my head in his lap.

He looked down at me 'Umm well I told Sam and Kian I'd do a video with them, but you can help'

I shrugged 'Ummm I don't know' I didn't really want to do another video, but I didn't want to not spend time with Jc.

Sam ran down the stairs and hopped into the chair next to the couch 'Hey Jc ready to go film? Kian's got everything all set up'

'Uh yeah sure' he gave me a kiss and slid out from under me 'you wanna come with?' He asked me before following Sam upstairs

'Not really, I'll just watch a movie or something' I slightly smiled as I sat up

'Ok well I'll be down in a bit' he smiled and ran upstairs after Sam

I popped in Fight Club and grabbed a blanket out of the closet snuggling into the couch. Just as I had gotten comfortable, there was a knock on the door. I sighed and got up going to answer it.

'Oh hi Sara' I smiled as I saw Kian's girlfriend standing in the doorway. She had her long brown hair pushed into a beanie and she wore a white vneck and a simple pair of jeans.

'Hi kaitlyn' she said a bit irritated 'where's kian?'

'Upstairs, he's filming with Sam and Jc'

She sighed and pushed me out of the way, heading upstairs.

I rolled my eyes and headed back to the couch. I heard loud voices above me, Sam and Jc soon appeared in the front room and sat on the couch with me.

'They're fighting....again' Sam sighed and began to take part of my blanket

'Do they always fight like that?' Jc asked sitting on the chair next to the couch


'Why does he stay with her? He's obviously not happy.'

Sam and I looked at each other and shrugged

'Actually I have no idea' I said fixing my hair

'Yeah me either' Sam looked at the tv

We all sat watching the movie when Sara came storming down the stairs. She didn't acknowledge  any of us as she threw the door open and slammed it shut. Sam and Jc looked at me and I just sat there quietly.

"What?" I awkwardly said as their eyes were glued to me

"Maybe you should go check on Kian" Sam said kicking me lightly under the blanket 

"Yeah, he likes you best anyway" Jc gave me a worried look "He'll talk to you" 

I threw the blanket onto Sam and nervously rubbed my arm "I'll be back ok" I slightly smiled and went up the stairs 

"Kian?" I poked my head into Sam's room, seeing Kian sitting at the desk 

 "She broke up with me" his back was turned to me and he had his face in his hands 

I walked over to him and engulfed him into a hug. "Here come on, let's go talk in my room" 

He stood up and followed me across the hall, he sat down on my bed and I plopped down next to him. 

"So what happened" I sat indian style and faced him 

"Well she didn't really give me a good reason." he hugged his knees and leaned up against my headboard "She just said that I was a bad boyfriend, that I didn't make time for her, and that she thought my friends were a bad influence on me" 

 "Wow, you know don't be sad ok. She broke up with the best guy ever and for the worst reasons, did she even explain herself?" I scooted next to him and set my hand on his leg. 

"No, she said she didn't have to explain herself" he set his head onto my shoulder 

"Well I didn't like her anyway" I lightly chuckled and played with his hair  "You deserve so much better" 

"You think so?" he turned his head to face me 

"I know so" I smiled and poked his nose 

He lightly smiled and his face inched towards mine, I could feel his breath on my face and his lips almost touching mine 

"Kian" I backed away a bit "....don't" I whispered 

He moved a bit away also and looked down "I'm so sorry" he rubbed his neck awkwardly and looked up at me 

I lightly smiled and touched his cheek "It's ok Kiki.You deserve better than me though too" 

His eyes got soft and he chuckled a bit "I could never get better than you" 

"Kian stop" I was a bit irritated at this point but I tried to hide it "Let's go downstairs everyone's worried about you" 

He shrugged "ok" 

We got downstairs and I sat on the chair with Jc, he gave me a kiss on the temple and smiled "Everything ok?" he looked at Kian who was sitting next to Sam

"Yea, I guess so" Kian showed a small smile

Kian caught my eye and gave me a sweet smile, I shot him one back and looked down. I felt bad for what had happened between us, but I couldn't control how I felt...yeah I had feelings for Kian - I always have but I was with Jc and he was my everything. 

“Hey aren’t you guys going to go film a video?” I asked about 10 minutes later 

Sam looked at me “Oh yeah! I totally forgot” 

Jc chucked “Yeah me too” 

Well “Let’s go. I don’t want to go disappointing any fans” Kian smiled getting up 

“Awe you guys could never disappoint your fans” I said with a smirk  

“Thanks babe” Jc gave me a kiss and pulled me off of his lap “Are you sure you don’t want to help us” he asked at he stood up 

“I’m sure, I don’t want to get in the way or anything” 

“You help us with videos all the time, you never get in the way!” Sam laughed and grabbed at my hands “You’re good company come on” 

 I smiled and got up “Ok, ok” 

After helping them with their video, we all piled in Sam’s car and headed out to go get some chinese food. I sat in the back with Kian and the word awkward could begin to explain how I felt. He gave me a look and pulled out his phone. 

Kian:  I am really really sorry for earlier, I though I had gotten past that 

Me: It’s ok, I understand. Don’t be sorry 

Kian: I just don’t want things to be awkward between us anymore

Me: Things were awkward between us?

Kian: Well I mean I don’t know, we never saw each other. I felt like we were drifting apart and I NEVER want that to happen 

Me: I don’t either and I won’t let it ok, I love you Kiki:) 

Kian: I love you too:) and thank you, I don’t know what I’d ever do without you 

I set my phone down and slid over to Kian’s side, I grabbed him in a hug. he wrapped his arms tightly around me and kissed my head. 

Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now