Chapter 5

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"Sorry but I don't know if I want to go in there with you looking so hot" Jc laughed throwing his arm over my shoulder as we approached Corey and Jarrad's house "I just got you back, I don't need to be losing you again"

"You never lost me" I smiled opening the door. "I was just temporarily away"

He chuckled and grabbed my hand as we weaved through the people. "I'm going to get us a drink ok" he smiled and left me in the middle of the room.

"Damn, you look good tonight" I felt a pair of lips brush against my ear, I turned around to see Corey standing uncomfortably close to me.

"Oh um hi Corey" I awkwardly rubbed my arm and scanned the room looking for Jc or even Sam.

"So are you still mad at me for last night" he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I'm not mad, I just - ugh you irritate me" I shoved him away.

He took a step closer to me, closing any space between us "I never used to."

Corey grabbed my face in his hands and his lips soon crashed into mine. I wanted to push away but I couldn't, memories flooded my mind of when we were together and I felt...happy? I began to melt into him, Jc leaving my mind completely. Corey was soon ripped away from me, I opened my eyes and everything registered in my mind, what have I done.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Jc yelled into Corey's face

Corey stood there with a smug smile on his face "Getting my girl back"

Jc's face went completely emotionless as he slammed his fist into the right side of Corey's face. At this point the party had gone completely quiet. I stood there touching my lips and silently panicking, I felt Sam take my hand.

"What did you do?" he whispered into my ear

I looked at him and tears began to stream down my face "I don't know Sam"

After Jarrad and Mau got the guys off of each other Corey shot me a look, the kind of look that said "I know you still love me, and I'm going to get you back" He then left the room heading upstairs.

I walked up to Jc and lightly grabbed his arm "Jc I'm so sorry I just -"

He threw his hand in front of my face, cutting me off "I don't want to fucking hear it, Kaitlyn. Just don't talk to me" he pushed through the crowd, grabbing a bottle of vodka and going out the back door.

I felt Sam lightly rub my back and I turned around "I don't understand why I always fuck up anything good in my life!'

"Hey let's go home ok" He grabbed my hand and walked me to the front door.

As we made our way down the driveway, I spotted Kian walking up the sidewalk alone. "Hey what are you guys doing?" he casually asked as he reached us

"Leaving" Sam shrugged "Corey and Kaitlyn cause a bit of an issue causing Jc to well storm out"

Kian's face dropped as he realized what happened " didn't?!"

"I may have" I looked down and scuffed my feet across each other "If it makes you guys feel any better I can't even bare to deal with myself anymore"

I heard Kian sigh, he grabbed my face and forced me to look at him "You know, I think this is good - "

"What how is this GOOD!?!"

"I think it gives you a reason to really reflect on your relationship with Jc...figure out if it's really right for you"

"Kian that's the dumbest thing ever! Corey just has this magnetic hold on me, and I think it's alway going to be there - I don't think the fact that me and Jc's relationship is shit really is the problem here"

Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now