Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sound of rustling, I squinted my eyes and sat up 'Jc, what are you doing?'  

He turned around and looked at me 'Getting clothes'  

'Oh well stop being so loud' I smiled and laid back down. 

Jc walked over and kissed my forehead 'It's like noon babe, you've got to get up'  

'Ugh I don't want to' I covered my eyes with my forearm and smiled towards him 'Come stay in bed with me today'  

'Can't, we have to bring Mau and Heather to the airport'  

'How come?'  

'Heather's photo shoot got cancelled so they want to go back home for the holidays'  

'Awe I'm sad, I like having them here. I mean they've only been here for a couple of days'  

'I don't know why they want to leave, California is the best'  

I got out of bed and hugged him 'No, you're the best'  

He gave me a surprised look and chuckled 'Oh well look who's being cheesy now'  

'I learned from the best' I smiled and grabbed a towel out of my closet 'Well I'm going to take a shower' 

About 40 minutes later I ran down the stairs, I had thrown on my favorite ripped blue jeans and black hoodie.  

Jc smiled when he saw me 'You look nice' he leaned over the couch and gave me a kiss  

'Oh thanks' I blushed and headed to the kitchen 'Where is everyone?' I sat down on the couch with a bottle of water. 

Jc wrapped an arm around me 'They went to grab some food, they should be back any minute' 

We quietly sat there for a bit watching tv when I turned to him, he gave me a sweet smile and turned back the the tv.  

'Jc?' I finally said  

'Yeah babe?' He didn't turn his head away from the tv. 

'Do you think this is real?'  

'It's a tv show, of course it's not real' He chuckled and kissed my cheek. 

'No no no I mean our relationship'  

'What do you mean by real?' He gave me a confused look  

'Well I mean we don't like see each other very much, do we really love each other or are we just in love with the idea of each other?'  

'Is this about you and Corey? And what happened at that party?' He began to get angry. 

'No it has nothing to do with that' I set my hand on his leg 'I just mean...' I trailed off and set my face into my hands '...I don't know what I mean'  

I heard Jc sigh and he began to rub my back 'I think you're just over thinking things. You've been under a lot of stress lately and it's all starting to crash around you' he kissed my head and continued to rub my back 'You just need to stop worrying'

"I'll try" I slowly rose up and gave him a kiss "This has to be real" 

He smiled and kissed me again "It is, I love you" 

"I love you too" I smirked and cuddled into him "Thank you" 

"We bring food!" Mau yelled as he walked through the door 

"Great I'm starving" Jc hoped off the couch, making me fall to the pillow 

"So you talk to him?" Kian plopped onto the couch next to me 

Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now