Chapter 17

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"Okay so I made a list of the girls I think Sam will like" I tapped my pencil on my notepad "Will you hand me my phone, babe?" I looked over to the bean bag in my room Kian was sitting in

"Oh yeah sure" he smiled and set his laptop on the ground, grabbing my phone off my bed and handing it to me. "So who do you have down?" he kissed my cheek and set his hands on the back on my computer chair.

I grabbed my notebook off my desk and turned the chair around so I could face him "So I don't have a lot but the ones I have are good...and I hope he'll like them I mean I just want him to be happy -" I began to ramble

"Just tell me who" he smirked

"Beka, Marissa, Taylor, Megan, and Lexi. I decided to get like different kinds of girls, cause I never know what kind of girl he likes."

"Hmmm I think you did good. Okay now call them, the party starts in a couple of hours."

"Well that" I plopped down on the bed next to Kian "I hate calling people"

"It was for a good cause" he laughed and close his laptop, setting it on the floor. "So are they all coming?" he pulled me onto his lap

I shrugged "I think so"

"Hey" Sam walked into my room and sat down on the bean bag chair "What are you guys doing?" he grabbed Kian's laptop off the floor and opened it

"I just finished calling some girls for you" I smiled

"Are they cute?"

"Well of course"

"Kian?" he looked up

"They are" Kian chuckled

I rolled my eyes "Wow I hate you guys"

"You're a girl, you don't honestly say if a girl is pretty or not...especially if they're your friend."

"Oh, whatever" I jokingly hit him and moved off his lap. I got off my bed and walked to my closet "So what should I wear tonight?"

Sam sighed and got up walking over to me, he reached over me "Here wear this" he handed me some light grey skinny jeans and a dark blue lace shit "you look nice in blue"

"Thanks" I smiled

"I'm gonna go get ready" he smiked and went towards the door "and thanks again Kaitlyn"

"Anything for my Sammy" I laughed as he closed the door

"Ready babe?" Kian asked an hour later as I put the finishing touches on my make up

"Yeah, do I look okay?" I got up and smiled at him

"You look beautiful" he gave me a hug "as always"

"You're too cute" I gave him a kiss on the cheek

He smirked and grabbed my hand "Come on let's go get Sam laid!"

I lauged as we ran down the stairs "SAMMY, YOU READY?!" I yelled towards the kitchen

"Sure" he shrugged, walking into the living room as he stuffed his face with a sandwich

"I'm gonna get something to drink, want anything?" I asked as we stepped into Corey and Jarrad's house

"Sure, I'll go with you" Kian intertwined our fingers and smiled

"I'm gonna go find Jarrad.." Sam trailed off, soon disapearing

After getting our drinks, Kian and I began to wander around trying to find the girls I invited.

"I've seen everyone but Megan" I pouted at Kian

"Why was she so important?" he chuckled and poked at my cheeks

"I thought she would be the best for Sam. They're really alike"

"I know, I've met her." he looked down

"Awe is my Kiki still mad that she turned you down last year" I squeezed his face

He looked up and smiled "No"

"Good, cause you have me now" I smiled and gave him a kiss

"Aren't I lucky" he grabbed my waist and kissed me again.

I smiled "Hey stop, I'm gonna make all the other girls jealous"

"Not as jealous as all the guys must be of me"

I looked at him and laughed "Oh my god stop. I don't want to be one of those couples"

"Maybe, I do" he chuckled

"No one does"

He gave me a look and kissed me again

"I'll be right back I have to pee"

He laughed "Wow okay, I'll wait here I guess"

I let go of his hand and headed for the upstairs bathroom. I walked down the hall, admiring just how lovely the Labarrie's home was.

Once I reached the bathroom I reached for the handle "Oh wow sorry!" I laughed seeing Sam and Megan making out in the tub "I just you know had to pee. I'll go downstairs" I blushed and closed the door, looking at the ground - I heard Sam and Megan burst into laughter. I smiled to myself "yes" I turned to go back downstairs but wound up running into someone "Oh sorry" I looked up.

"No problem" Corey smiled "You look really nice tonight"

"Oh hi Corey. And thanks, you don't look too bad yourself" I nervously smiled

"So I heard you're dating Kian now. Who's next Sam?" his face became more soft "That hurts Kaitlyn, I always assumed we'd get back together"

"Seriously?" I sighed " I thought we went over this, I don't want to be with you've hurt me one too many times."

He sighed and grabbed my hand "Can we at least try to fix our friendship, I felt like things were getting better between us."

I smiled and looked up at him "I'd like that"

"Good, come over tomorrow and hang out with me"

I looked at him again "I don't know, I mean just us?"

"No Jarrad too. He always comments on how much he misses seeing you."

"Promise" I stuck my pinky out

"Promise" he smiled, wrapping his pinky around mine

"Okay, text me" I smiled back and headed down the stairs

"Ahhh!" I jumped on Kian's back after finding him in the crowd

He pulled me off and smiled "Took you long enough"

"Guess what?" I gave him a kiss


"I found Megan...and Sam"

He laughed "Yeah?"

"Yeah, I should be a professional matchmaker"

"Hmmmm, I don't know about that"

"Pshhhh whatever Lawley, I think I'd be good at it"

"Maybe, but let's go home and do something we both know you're good at" he smirked and grabbed my hand

I shrugged "Only cause you're cute" I kissed his cheek and followed him out of the house.


Twitter: @fueledbysierra


Insta: fueledbysierra

Tumblr: sampepperoncini


Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now