Chapter 8

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“I’m bored” Jc rolled over in bed and began to poke me in the face.

“Then go downstairs with Kian, I’m sure he’s up” I checked my phone seeing it was about 9am. 

“I don’t really feel like going downstairs” he grabbed my waist and began to kiss my jawline

I rubbed my sleepy eyes “Stop” I giggled and wiggled out from under him, grabbing my long tshirt off the floor. “Come on, I’ll make you breakfast” 

He smiled and jumped out of bed, slipping on his pants on the way out.

“What are you gonna make me?” Jc grinned as he sat down at the counter. 

I leaned across the counter and gave him a kiss “Mmmm, what do you want?” 

“You?” he laughed and kissed me again. 

“Maybe later” I smiled and pinched at his cheeks.

“Hey, don’t do that” he moved my hands and laughed

Sam and Kian soon came down the stairs - Kian was all showered and ready for the day, while Sam on the other hand still looked like he had just woken up. 

“You making breakfast?” Sam rubbed his eyes and sat down at the counter, setting his head down.

“If someone could tell me what they wanted” I shot Jc a look

“Well, I told you what I wanted” he smirked at me 

“Sam, Kian...what do you want to eat?” 

“Can we go get strawberry pancakes from that diner downtown?” Sam’s head shot up

“Oh that sounds perfect” I smiled “I didn’t want to cook for you guys anyway”

After we got home from breakfast, Sam and Jc headed upstairs and I sat with Kian on the couch. 

“So how are you?” he smiled as he laid his head in my lap. 

“I’m ok” I played with his hair “How are you Mr.Lawley?” 

He gave me a sad look “I guess I’m ok, just still kind of upset about Sara.”  

“Well, it has only been a couple of days” I shrugged. 

“I guess you’re right” he lightly smiled at me and stretched an arm over to the coffee table, grabbing the remote “Movie?” 

“Yeah, you know I can’t turn down a movie” I smiled. 

“That is true” he scrolled thought the movie channels before landing on Rebel Without a Cause.

“You hate this movie” I chuckled “Why’d you put it on?” 

He looked up at me, giving me a sincere look “Well it’s your favorite, why wouldn’t I put it on?”

I looked at him and smiled, I could feel my heart sink - no one treated me the way Kian did. I leaned down and kissed his forehead “Thank you Kian” 

“Of course” He smiled at me then turned to the tv and watched James Dean as he was offering Natalie Wood a ride to school. 

I scooted myself down on the couch and laid by Kian, he smiled and lightly drooped an arm around me after wiggling around and making himself comfortable. I sighed and closed my eyes. 

“Kaitlyn...Kaitlyn...Kaitlyn” I felt someone shaking me “Kaitlyn!” I slowly opened my eyes and saw Sam standing in front of me with a worried look on his face.

“What’s wrong Sam?” I moved Kian’s arm and got up gently, trying not to wake him.

Sam grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs. He brought me to my room and handed me a note off of my bed. 

I gave him a look and began to read it, tears filled my eyes and I dropped to the floor “He left?” I looked up at Sam, beginning to cry hysterically “HE LEFT?!”

Sam knelt down to the floor next to me, throwing his arms around me “I didn’t think he was being serious” 

“You knew?” I pushed him away and got up leaving the room. 

I ran down the stairs and saw Kian sitting up and rubbing his eyes, he turned to look at me and his face dropped “What’s wrong?” He jumped over the couch and grabbed me before I could reach the front door. 

I started to cry again and Kian sat down on the floor with me. I grabbed at his shirt and began to sob into his chest.  

“Kaitlyn?” he rubbed my back trying to calm me down “What happened?” 

I let go of his shirt and tried to collect myself, I looked up at Kian, his face was sad and tears were forming in his eyes. “I just hate seeing you so sad and not knowing why” he breathed. 

“Jc left” I put my hand up to his eyes wiping the tears that escaped his eyes “Jc went back to Texas” 

Kian moved my hand from his face and took it in his, he lifted up his shirt and wiped my eyes “Why?” 

I sniffled and played with his hand “He said that I was right, that maybe this wasn’t real. That we both needed to sort our lives out and wait until we were closer and could actually be together.” tears began to fall out of my eyes again and I buried my face into Kian’s chest “Kian why do I fuck everything up, why does everyone leave me?” 

Kian tightly hugged me “I don’t know, but Jc made a huge mistake. He’ll realize that as soon as he gets home.” 

I looked up at him “Kian?” 

“Yeah?” his eyes met mine 

“Promise you’ll never leave me” 

“Kaitlyn, I promise I will never leave you” he kissed the top of my head “Ever.” 

I felt another set of arms wrap around me “I won’t ever leave you either” Sam whispered. 

I let go of Kian and grabbed onto Sam “Why didn’t you say anything to me?”

He began to get up “Here, let’s go to the kitchen and talk ok?” he helped me up and the three of us went and sat at the table.

“So, what happened?”

“Well, on the drive back from the diner Jc texted me asking if he could talk to me when we got back. So we went up to my room and he basically said everything you had said about your relationship, it was kind of like when you guys first got together and how you worried about like distance and stuff. And I guess that Corey stuff really got to him, when he said he was thinking about leaving I didn’t think he was serious. After we talked I went to take a shower and when I got out he was gone.”

I sat with my face in my hands “I just don’t understand, we’ve been so happy these past couple of weeks.” I sighed “I wish he would have talked to me about it” I scooted closer to Kian and set my head on his shoulder, tears running down my face. 

He began to play with my hair “Why don’t we go do something tonight, get your mind off of it?” 

“That sounds great” I lightly smiled and set my hand on his leg “Thanks Kian” 

Sam had his phone out and looked over at us, smirking “Well as usual, there’s a party and Corey and Jarrad’s” 

I chuckled a bit “You’ve got to love the fact that their parents are always out of town” 


Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now