Chapter 19

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I heard the front door shut and I slowly rose off the couch.

Sam smiled at me and slowly walked over to the chair by the couch 'Did I wake you up?'

I rubbed my eyes and smiled 'No. So how was your date?'

'Really really good' the smiled still hadn't faded from his face 'Like I said earlier, I really like her'

I slowly got up off the couch, trying not to wake Kian and sat with Sam on the chair 'I'm so glad Sammy' I pulled him into a hug

He rubbed my back 'Thanks'

I let go and gave him a kiss on the cheek 'Anything for my Sammy'

He laughed and got up 'I think I'm gonna go to bed' he began to head up the stairs

I stood up and stretched 'Yeah me too' I sighed 'Guess I have to wake Kian up'

'No Kian's up' Kian mumbled into the pillow

I knelt down and ruffled his hair 'Come on cutie lets go to bed'

He shot me a sleepy smile 'I'm so comfortable though'

I stood up and set my hands on hips 'Fine, I'll sleep in my bed all by myself' I kissed his head and headed up to my room.

I crawled into bed and was half asleep when I soon felt warm arms wind around my waist, I turned around and cuddled into kian.

'I got cold' he quietly chuckled and kissed me

'No you just can't sleep without me'

'Mmmm maybe'

I woke up the next morning with Kian still holding onto me. I smiled and kissed his nose. I went to wiggle myself out of his grip, but instead I felt him tighten it.

'You're not going anywhere' he said with his eyes still shut and a smiled spread across his face.

I lightly sighed, laying back down against his chest. I soon drifted back to sleep.

'Hey guys!' It felt as though someone was jumping on my bed

I opened my eyes and saw Levi and Sam hopping up and down on my mattress. Kian and I both sat up and he looked from them to me and smirked. He got up and also began to jump.

'You guys are gonna break my bed!' I crossed my arms and shot them a look.

Levi jumped into my lap and Kian dropped down next to me while Sam fell onto the floor.

'Ouch' he sat there and rubbed his head

'Maybe you shouldn't have jumped on my bed' I looked at him and laughed.

'Eh whatever' he sat down on the edge of my bed.

'You guys want to go to the beach today?' I asked as I hugged Levi

'Yeah!' Levi yelled, throwing up his arms.

Kian smiled at Levi 'That sounds fun'

"I'm gonna call Megan and have her meet us there" Sam smiled and left the room

"Okay Levi, let's get you all ready" I lifted Levi off my lap and set him on the ground, he grabbed my hand and we walked down the hall to his room.

"Kaitlyn?" Levi asked after changing into his swimsuit

"Yeah?" I asked as I packed up his bag

He walked over to me and grabbed onto my arm "Are you and Kian married?"

I laughed "Why do think that?"

"Cause he's here all the time and he sleeps in your bed"

I heard a small laugh behind us and turned around to see Kian leaning against the doorframe.

Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now