Chapter 16

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'Wow this past month it feels like we live at the airport' I laughed as I walked into the kitchen

'I totally agree' Sam replied, sitting at the counter.

'So how do you feel?' I asked as I handed him a bowl and poured him some cereal and milk

'Better, thanks to you. I think I'll go with you and Kian to take Jc to the airport' he began to eat 'but I'm not driving'

I laughed 'Of course not '

'Morning' Jc said as he walked into the kitchen

'Hi' Sam and I said in unison

'What time are we leaving?' He asked pouring some cereal into another bowl.

'Umm 1ish' I shrugged 'I'm going to go get dressed' I lightly smiled and left the kitchen, heading to my room.

'Hey sleepyhead' I smiled as I saw Kian still in bed.

'Hi beautiful' he sat up and rubbed his eyes

I walked over and gave him a kiss.

'Do we have to go out today?' He grabbed at my waist and pulled me on top of him.

I giggled as he ticked my waist 'Yeah, but it'll be quick. Then we'll do whatever you want to' I smiled and leaned down, kissing him again.

'Promise' he shot me puppy eyes and stuck out his pinky

'Promise' I wrapped my pinky around his 'Now let me get dressed' I wiggled myself out of his grip and walked to my closet.

After doing my hair and make up and throwing on some jeans and a shirt, I looked over at Kian 'You're still in bed?'

He smirked at me 'Maybe' he threw the blankets off and walked to the closet, reaching over me and grabbing jeans and a sweatshirt 'You're so pretty' he smiled and kissed my shoulder

'Stop' I giggled

He turned me around to face him and he smashed his lips into mine. I smiled under the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pushed me against the wall and deeped the kiss.

'Hey guys' Sam's head popped into the closet 'Whoa hey whoa guys! Seriously?'

We broke the kiss and laughed

'Oh sorry' I chuckled and blushed a bit.

'Yeah whatever. Umm we need to go or Jc is gonna miss his flight'

'Oh my god I almost forgot!' I grabbed my shoes and began to leave the room. I heard Kian high five Sam behind me and I turned around, shooting them a look.

We arrived at the airport about an hour later.

'I'm gonna miss you' I hugged Jc as we approached the gate

'I'm gonna miss you too' he lightly smiled and let go 'and again, sorry for yesterday'

'No big deal' I smiled 'and I'm sorry too...for this whole situation.'

'Me too' he hugged me again

'We'll miss you too' Kian and Sam also hugged Jc

'Okay see y'all at playlist' he waved and walked away

'Well that was better than the last time we took him there' kian laughed and grabbed my hand leading us out of the airport

'Yeah it was much happier. I still feel weird though' I shrugged

'Its okay, you got me babe.' He smiled and kissed the top of my head.

'Yeah you're right' I smiled back

'Oh come on losers, lets go' Sam rolled his eyes and opened the car door

'Whatever' I stuck my tongue out at him 'you're just jealous'

He laughed and began to play with the radio 'Maybe'

'We should set you up with someone Sammy'

'Everyone here sucks'

'No, just the girls you find'

'Fine, its all you though'

'Cool, Jarrad is having a party - I'll invite some of my girl friends.'

Sam smiled 'okay'


Twitter: @fueledbysierra


Insta: fueledbysierra

Tumblr: sampepperoncini


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