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|| 3rd POV || (I'm going off the assumption that Trixx is a female)

"That was an unfair game, Princess." Chat Noir pouts, throwing the playing cards on the smoothly shined wooden floors of Marinette's room.

"Come on, Chaton, it isn't that big of a deal." Marinette says with a smirk, picking up the cards and shuffling them again.

The black suited cat sits there with a slight pout lingering on his face as he watches Marinette distribute them again. Without thinking, he raises his hand to run against hers.

"Wait-" Marinette yelps, pulling back.

Unfortunately, it was too late by then. The mirage has fallen and she was left alone in her broken down and dust covered room, holding the playing cards once more. Trixx floated tiredly beside her.

"Princess Justice, I can't keep up with these illusions." The kwami says softly.

"Come on, please Trixx! Just five more minutes! I promise! And- and then-" Princess Justice stammers, tears beginning to pool back into her eyes again.

"Please, I can't keep this up, it's draining and causing problems across Paris." Trixx argues.

"Paris is already gone anyways." The akumatized girl whispers, huddling up against the half stable wall.

Trixx stays silent against the girl's response. She didn't mean to snap like that at the poor girl. She was all Marinette had left.

It had been at least three weeks after Paris' demise. Marinette was still stuck as her akumatized form of Princess Justice. Everyone was gone. HawkMoth, Mayura, her parents. Everyone. Except for Trixx and possibly Chat Noir. Even the gods above don't know how she managed to stay alive, but yet she has. As for the feline hero, there was no trace of his existence. He could be biding his time or he could be truly gone.

Since her reign as Princess Justice ended with the bloodshed of thousands of Parisians, she now locks herself away and hides. The fear of stepping out and seeing the terrors that she has caused. To see the blank looks on the dead corpses lying on the roads.

With her powers, Princess Justice doesn't go hungry, thirsty, or have any problems in human needs. She has all the time in the world to just reflect on her mistakes, forever. Until the end of time comes, or a hero shows up to save her.

"Five minutes, alright? And then I'm taking a nap." Trixx sighs, feeling guilt and pity for the girl.

Princess Justice nods quickly, wiping away the tears and giving a faint smile.

Trixx nods back, raising her small hands to make an orange ball of power, she throws it down on the ground. The room lights up faintly before a surge of color and life returns. Chat Noir slowly became visible with a light orange aura surrounding him.

Princess Justice's outfit fades away and back into her normal any day outfit.

"Hello Princess." Chat Noir says with a grin.

"Hello Kitty," she says with a light laugh.

"How's your splendid day going?" He says with a raised eyebrow, his hands on his hips.

"It's-" She stops for a moment, looking down at the ground.

"It's going fine."

"Didn't think you'd be lying to me like this, love," Chat Noir grabs her by the wrist gently.

Princess Justice lets out a gasp as her eyes widen. The slight orange tinted aura fades away from Chat Noir and the room's colors and life dissipates.

The bluenette's day to day outfit disappears and she's left in her dark pink jumpsuit, a black see-through skirt covers her waist. Her black yoyo with dark pink spots hung snugly on her side. Her hair was in a long braid, laying over her shoulder. A black mask sat on her face.

"Ch-Chat Noir..." She whispers, tears beginning to pool.

"Hello M'Lady," he responds, twirling his baton.

"You're- you're here.."

"Yeah, I went er- underground for a bit. You did sort of got me to cataclysm myself, again," he shrugs, sticking his baton onto his belt.

"I-I'm-" Princess Justice began to speak.

"You're sorry? That's nice to know," He scoffs, leaning against the dresser.

His eyes had a duller tone of green to it, the shine had disappeared. His hair was longer and messier. He looked thinner in a way.

The bluenette bit her bottom lip as she shuffles from one foot to the other. Her fingers fumbling with each other. Her gaze was lowered to the floor. Hundreds of emotions filled her at once. Fear of being left alone again? Relief that her partner was alive? Guilt because of the recent actions?

"I didn't mean to hurt anyone." She whispers, rubbing her hand against her arm.

"No, obviously not, but you did anyways, yeah?" The feline retorts.

Princess Justice flinches at his tone of voice. She'd never imagined seeing him again and this to be his first response to her. Obviously it was a realistic meet, but not what she wanted.

Chat Noir sighs before walking to her and wrapping his arms around her in a hug.

"I'm sorry Bugaboo." He says softly, running his gloved hand through his hair.

"I didn't mean to make you feel worse, Princess."

"But it is my fault. I caused this." She whispers back, her head nuzzled into his shoulder.

"Hey, but I'm back and now we can fix this, yeah?" Chat responds with a crack of a smile.

Princess Justice smiles back before pressing her forehead against his.

The moment breaks when the orange mist becomes visible and the whole mirage fades. The room became dull, lifeless, and empty once more.

The bluenette gasped as she backed away from the two fading illusions of herself and Chat Noir.

It was all an illusion.

Tears began pooling in the bluenette's eyes once more as the orange mist and illusions fades away.

"I'm sorry, do you-" Trixx began to say.

"No! No more. No more illusions. It hurts too much to look at." Princess Justice retaliates back.

"Alright, alright." The kwami says quietly, floating back and away from the girl.

It was all fake, but it had felt so real. The emotions, the moment, the feeling, just everything felt real. To the point where she really thought she could be saved and brought back.

To be back with her parents, her friends, and her best friend and partner. To have the world back again. But alas, it's never coming back and the previous illusion proves it to be so.

"It's all my fault." She says softly, her head leaning against the wall as the tears began to come down.

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