Once Upon A Time...

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|| Adrien's POV ||

I pulled my staff up, shakily attempting to rise back off the ground. I glanced back up at her and winced at the pain running up my back. 

"I know you're there Ladybug!", I said.

"Ladybug isn't here anymore, Kitty. It's only Devilbug.", she replies with a cold laugh at the end.

"You aren't Devilbug, I know you're still there and I won't hurt you.", I said back.

Devilbug scoffs at my words and pulls out her yo-yo.

"Maybe you won't, but that'll make my job a million times easier.", she replies, swinging her yo-yo.

She swung her yo-yo at me, and I barely dodge it as I backed up. My hands tightly gripped the staff. 

"I'm not going to fight you.", I said calmly.

"That doesn't change the fact that I will.", she snaps back.

She threw her yo-yo once more, to which I deflected with my staff. I extended my staff, pulling myself up and jumping at her. Her eyes widened as I landed right in front of her. I placed the staff behind my back and gripped her wrists tightly. I looked around her to find where her akuma could possibly be hidden. She squirms in my grasp, trying to get me to let go, but I just tightened it with each move.

I noticed her earrings, which normally were red, were black. As I made the observation, she flipped me over. I landed on the ground with a wince in pain and looked back at her with a growl.

"Ladybug wake up!", I yelled, pulling myself back up. I noticed her shake a bit, holding her head. She backs away from me as she fights herself. An outline of a purple butterfly went across her face as she snarls at it. I ran over to her and pinned her to the ground.

"Get off me you stupid cat!", she screamed back as I held her arms down, trying not to hurt her.

She squirms and shuffles in my grasp, making it loosen more. Before I could grab her earrings she kicked me off, throwing my staff to the side.

"Come on Kitty, just hand me your miraculous. And this will all be over.", she said with a tone of calmness. I shook my head.

"If you just let me help you, this will be over.", I replied back.

"You don't understand, I need to fix this.", she calls back, a tone of pleading in her voice, which felt like a bullet went through my heart.

"We can fix it together.", I replied, holding my hand out. I felt like falling onto the ground in defeat, but what kept me up was my will to help her. I slowly walk over to her, as she glances at the ground, her hands clenched tightly.

"I can help you..please..", I pleaded to her. Devilbug looks up to me, for a second her eyes flashed her normal bright blue eyes, before turning back to their dull dark blue colour.

"Just...let me have your akuma.", I said softly, brushing my hand against her face.

"H-Help...", she whispers, a tear slipping down her face.

"Cataclysm...", I said under my breath, my hand holding a small orb of black power. Destruction. I reached up to touch her earrings but before I could reach it, she pinned me down, my hand near my chest.

"You're too easy Kitty.", Devilbug says with a laugh.

"Ladybug! Please, let me help you.", I replied back, trying to fight her grasp.

"You broke me...Agreste. And now, I want you to suffer.", she quietly says into my ear.

"I didn't mean to hurt you!", I yelled back, trying to pull myself away from her grasp.

"After you're gone, I have nothing left to lose.", she says quietly.

I hesitantly glanced at her face, her expression was contorted in pain and sorrow. Her eyes were a dull blue instead of the bright and shimmer bluebell eyes I remember.

"I love you...no matter what.", he says with a smile.

Her hand froze, stopping her from putting the hand with my Cataclysm any further.

"Y-You're just toying w-with my head!", she calls back.

"I never played a single game with you since the day we met.", I replied.

I noticed her breath get more and more heavier and laboured. There was nothing left I could do, I wasn't going to hurt her either. 

"I-If it makes you happy, destroy me..", I whispered finally.

"I-I'm sorry...", she replies quietly, pulling my hand closer to my chest. I took in a breath and closed my eyes, waiting for the impact. I felt her grip on my hand tighten, but her hand shook slightly against mine, as if she was fighting herself.

I used that moment to free my hand and reach for her earrings. I touched them, and they disintegrated before both of us, her eyes widened in shock and frustration at me. 

"I- You!", she stuttered out angrily, using the last bit of her strength and kicked me, sending my flying into the wall. My head hit the brick wall and I collapsed onto the ground. My vision began to blur and get darker and darker, but I tried to pull myself up to find her.

A dark purple cloud of smoke surrounded her and she transformed back into just her. Just Ladybug. Ladybug raised her head and noticed the destruction around her, her eyes wide opened at what she had caused. But nothing was compared to her expression when she saw me.

"C-Chat!", she yelled, running to me, her teary bluebell eyes scanned across me, trying to fix this.

"Y-You should've done s-something you d-darn cat!", she cries holding me in her hands.

"I-I did...I s-saved you..", I replied with a chuckle.

"B-But you s-should've s-stopped me! K-Kill me even! J-Just you s-should've s-stopped me!", she yells back, I winced at her loud tone but gave a slight smile.

"O-Once upon a t-time...you s-saved me. Now i-it's my turn...P-Princess.", I replied back with a smile.

Ladybug looks back at me with a face of confusion.

"W-What are you talking about..?", she asked.

"D-Don't think I-I didn't k-know about C-Chat B-Blanc...", I said with a wink.

Her eyes widened at my words which immediately shut tight, blocking my tears from escaping.

"I-It's alright...I'll b-be fine. N-Now get the a-akuma..", I said, pointing up at the flying akuma.

She rose from her spot and pulled her yo-yo out, catching the purple akuma and releasing a white butterfly. She shot her hand into the air with her yo-yo open.

"Miraculous Ladybug!", she yelled, ladybugs exiting her yo-yo and going across Paris.

I closed my eyes, knowing that it can't heal me. At least I got to see her one last time.

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