I Can't Hate You

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|| 3rd POV || They are in a different AU. Ladybug is the hero and Chat Noir is the villain, but he softens to her and helps her, despite putting himself at risk of death by his father. ||

"You goddamn idiot!" Ladybug yelled.

The feline suited boy flinched, scooting back a step or two.

"You can't just throw yourself in front of me like that!" The heroine screamed, tears spilling down her face in cascades.

"What if one day I fail? Huh?? Then I would have lost you!" She questions, her body shaking from the shock and fright.

"I trust you to bring me back. And you did," Chat Noir responds simply, not bringing his eyes to her.

"You know how stupid that is?! You don't even know me, yet you trust me with your life!" Ladybug argues, her hands clenched into fists.

"You're willing to put yourself out there to fight HawkMoth, of course I'd help you!" Chat yells back.

"It's not like Paris would miss me, what with all the chaos and destruction I had- am causing." He continued, tears slipping down his black leather mask.

"I'd miss you! You know that?" Ladybug screams.

Chat gives a pained laugh. "Me? You'd care about the person who put you in this mess to begin with? The person who was supposed to be your partner at the beginning but failed at that. Falling on his own wishes?" He retorts, spreading his arms out.

"Yeah! I care for you, you know why??" Ladybug questions.

"Why? Why would you?" He scowls, strands of his blonde hair falling onto his face from the pouring rain.

"Because I love you!" The heroine forces out between a sob.

"You- what..?" The blonde whispers, watching the bluenette fall to her knees in pained sobs.

"I love you, so much. And it sucks, you know that? I'm supposed to hate you, despise you, for putting me, my family, my friends, and the city in danger. But I ended up falling for you, you stupid cat and your dumb charm!" She says quietly, her head bowed down as her shoulders shook gently to her quiet sobs.

"I can't hate you, and it hurts so much to watch you be here throwing yourself in danger for me," she says finally, destroying that small moment of silence.

Chat about stands there, shocked to the point of mute. What was supposed to say? This heroine, his lady that he promised to protect to the best of his abilities, was constantly hurting when he thought he was saving her.

The blonde drops to his knees in front of her, holding her tightly in his arms. Both of their tears are hidden by the pounding of the rain and the darkness of the night, with the barely lit lights to were strewn across many roads.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry you fell for someone like me," he says softly, his grip tightening as he buries his head in her hair.

No response came back. The two quietly sat there holding on to each other, the fear of losing the other if they let go was too immense. Ladybug's sniffling and coughs came to a stop as she soon fell asleep in his arms.

"M'Lady," he murmurs, realizing that she is slightly limp, asleep.

She sends a hum back as she pulls herself closer into his embrace.

"M, love you so much," she murmurs in her sleep, pressing her head gently into his chest.

Chat Noir gives a sad smile as he moves himself to sit comfortably before running his hand through her hair.

"I love you too," he responds back with a quiet sigh.

They could never be together, no matter how they wish. It'll put them and her family in danger. His father would stop at nothing to achieve his wish. And while he's been told that his father's wish is to bring back his mother, he feels like there's something else along with it as well.

Something even worse than the price being set now.

The blonde jolted when he felt the heroine move slightly underneath him, shuffling around before laying down again.

Chat Noir pulled his pack out. A small bag he set when he went out of the house for a bit. To his father, it's for investigation and spying reasons, but he knew it as otherwise. He pulled a small tent set out, setting it down before gently lifting Ladybug's head, resting it on the bag before quickly setting the small tent.

After setting it up, he carefully carried her in, laying her down on the warm blanket.

"Warm," she hums with content, snuggling into it.

"Glad you like it, M'Lady," he responded back.

The bluenette's eyes slowly fluttered open. She frowned at first, realizing that the pouring rain was no longer hitting her.

"You just- have a tent in your pack?" She asks, the edges of her lips quirking up.

"Yeah, some nights I don't want to be home with my father," he says quietly, staring out at the opening of the tent.

Ladybug pulls herself up and crawls over to Chat, leaning against him, her head laid on his shoulder, his arm slipped around her waist.

"What are we going to do," she murmurs, the events of about half an hour began to surge into her mind.

"I- I don't know, Ladybug. I really don't know anymore," he sighs.

"I can't love you because I care for you," he continues.

"But you can't hate me because you do love me," she finishes, looking into his eyes.

He bit his lip, nodding.

"What a dilemma, huh?" Ladybug chuckles softly, leaning back down.

"Well, you're with the unluckiest person in the world, so sit tight then M'Lady," he responds back with a soft smile.

"I'll be right here forever," she responds.

'I hope so,' he thought.

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