What Did You Do? 2/3

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IronMan landed on the building. A large repulsor slowly builds out on both his hands, lighting up and shooting the akuma. Techno-Pirate went flying back, nearly tumbling off the building's roof.

The genius then proceeded to run to Peter's side, flipping his faceplate off and Peter's.

"Friday, stats." He demanded frantically.

"Mr- Mr. Stark?" Peter murmured, his eyes fluttering open and close.

"I'm right here kid, right here. Don't worry." Tony responded, running a hand gently through the younger boy's head.

"His conditions are dropping, Boss. Not only did whatever destructive force ram through the suit, but it hit him right below the rib cage, bruising major organs and causing a few parts to deteriorate." F.R.I.D.A.Y responds finally.

"What the hell did you do?" Tony snapped his head over to Ladybug, his eyes burning with anger yet there was an ebbing side of pain, worry, and fear.

"Mr. Stark? I don't feel so good," Peter slurs.

The world around the teen was slowly fading away. He could hear his mentor's angered voice but outside of that, everything went fuzzy and blurred together. The pain was slowly getting worse and worse.

"Hang on kid, hang on." Tony responded softly, his whole demeanor changing from tense to a more relaxed form. Yet his heart rate stays elevated.

Captain America, dropped down from the QuinJet above, Natasha followed right afterwards. The red-head's eyes widened a bit when she saw the kid. She looked over and saw the spotted heroine stand a foot or so behind Stark and the feline costumed hero further back, his head clutched in his hands.

Natasha walked over to the blonde boy and kneeled by his side. Chat Noir rocked back and forth, his face hidden in his arms as he murmured words to himself.

"Hey kid," Natasha said softly, jerking the boy from his spot.

"It's alright, don't panic."

Chat shook his head and looked around frantically to find his partner. He finally calmed down when he saw Ladybug arguing with Tony Stark.

"Is she your partner?" The red-head asked, nodding over to the spotted heroine.

Chat hesitates at first before giving a single nod.

"Alright, what's your names?"

"Chat Noir and she's Ladybug."

"Can we know your actual names, or is it against what you guys do in Paris?"

"Ladybug says we can't, to protect us from HawkMoth."

"And who's HawkMoth?"
"He's some guy who wants our miraculous for his own thing."

"Do you think he's here?"

"Well, that guy that IronMan shot was an akuma, so it would only be logical if he was or is here too."

"Alright, do you guys think you can spare a moment to come with us to the Avengers Tower? We need a debrief and then we can send you home."

Chat hesitates, glancing over to his partner. He was already deep under water now, and feared a wrong choice would cause him more pain. Natasha seemed to notice his hesitance.

"How about I go ask her, alright?" She suggested, to which he nodded instantly.

"Hey Cap, can you watch the kid?" She asked, nodding to the feline hero who stayed curled in a small ball. The super soldier glanced over and his eyes softened before nodding, heading over.

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