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|| Chat Blanc's 3rd Person POV|| (Basically what if Ladybug had failed a second time to save him in the Chat Blanc episode) Got this idea from a mental breakdown I had an hour or so ago. 

"You won't make it this time, M'Lady.." Chat Blanc purred.

His eyes glinted with the will to kill. Was it to kill? He wasn't sure at all. Everything has been blurred over with a haze of confusion and anger. But at what? Once more, he was not sure. 

"Chat! Stop it! I'm here to help you!" Ladybug calls out, dodging another cataclysmic ball of energy.

"I'm trying to fix this, M'Lady! Just hand me your miraculous!" He responds with an eerie tone.

It has been a couple weeks, no, no. Months. Yeah, that seems more legit. It had been months since the whole showdown with HawkMoth, himself, and his lady. There was something about HawkMoth that drove him mad, a confused and angered state. But what? It's as if the thought no longer lingered in his mind. In fact, it's no longer there. Just a void of light and happiness. A void he was willing to fill at any cost.

He knew for a fact that it has something to do with Ladybug, and that he needed the miraculouses for that. But alas, his lady was being stubborn. Refusing to allow him to amend for the error and fix the problem. And that in itself made him furious. 

"Chat, that's not the way to go!" Ladybug pleads, her eyes filled with fear and worry.

The same eyes, like his friend, possibly lover, Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She was who he tried to save. But from what? 

No matter, she was keeping him from fixing his mistake by withholding the miraculous from him.

"I can help you! Please!" Ladybug shouts.

"How do you know that?!" Chat growls, his eyes fuming.

"Well, I-" She stammers, her brain wracking for answers.

Chat Blanc just scoffs before throwing another disc of cataclysmic energy at her. The bluenette, unaware, lost her footing and fell off the wobbly plank and into the cold waters beneath them both. 

Gasping for breath as she pulls herself to the surface, she feels her arm being grabbed and hoisted up. Tossed over to the side to reach for some air.

"I don't want to hurt you, M'Lady, but I do need your miraculous." Chat Blanc says with a feigned tone of innocence.

"I don't want to hurt you either, kitty! So please, give me the akuma!" Ladybug responds back.

The white leather dressed cat scoffed, turning his back to her. His hands tightened into fists, his breathing slightly uneven. 

"I can't let you do that, M'Lady." Chat Blanc saysoftly, letting his fist unfurl.

Ladybug clenches her yo-yo tightly. Her eyes, narrowed towards Chat Blanc. She quickly brushes away the frozen droplets of water off her face before throwing her yo-yo at him. Chat turns around at the exact moment to be smacked right in the stomach, sending him over the edge and into the cold, frozen water.

His eyes shot wide open as he glances around, seeing the flooded streets of Paris. And so happens, that right under the Eiffel Tower where they stood, there was two frozen statues.

He attaches the staff to his mouth, allowing him to breathe, before swimming across to the statues. As he nears the frozen people, his eyes widened in recognition. And, possibly remembrance? 

Everything shot back at him at immense speeds. The reveal. Marinette is Ladybug. HawkMoth is- his father. The takedown. He was trying to protect his Princess and his Lady. Chat reaches his hand out to caress the face of his lover. At the mere touch of it, the statue fades off like dust. 

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