What Did You Do? 1/3

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Why, you may ask? Because A. 1:44 in the morning and I went why not. B. My friend came up with the idea. C. I really really wanted to write something to work on writer's block.

This doesn't follow anything really canon from either except some lines from Ladybug and Chat Noir. There'll probably be three parts.


His first thought was Marinette. Two out of the four pillar columns are about to collapse, possibly burying himself and his classmate.

"You're supposed to be in Paris kid," Plagg hisses.

"I know, but we'll be buried alive if we sit here any longer! Who knows if help will arrive on time," he responds.

Plagg sighs yet he nods his head reluctantly.

"Plagg, claws out!" He whispered, transforming quickly. The column hanging over him collapses as he dodges the debris, making a run for the opposite side.

Ladybug sprinted out from the other side, her eyes widened in confusion and turned into faint annoyance.

"What are you-" She yelled, making Chat flinch back slightly.

Right then, a spider dressed person goes flying through the room, landing on the display case behind. His suit was of metal with the color palette of red, black, and gold.

"That's Spider-Man!" Chat Noir exclaims, aweing at the American hero. Spider-Man turns to them and cocks his head, his eyes squinting slightly before widening again.

"You guys are Paris' heroes aren't you!" He responds back.

Ladybug made an attempt to roll her eyes at the two's fanboying but it went unfinished when Techno-Pirate came storming in with a booming voice.

"Shit, that's danger staring us in the face, come on!" He calls out, giving himself a jump before throwing a hand out with a web.

Chat Noir looked back to his partner who still had a very annoyed look on her face before deciding to join the battle in the main room.

Ladybug ran at the akuma, hitting him left and right with her yo-yo yet nothing damaged him.
"What do you guys usually do with- things like this? K.A.R.E.N, what even is this?" Spider-Man calls out, dodging lasers as he climbs on ornate pillars and on the ceilings.

"I'm not sure Peter, it seems to be working off of some form of magic," the A.I. responds back, "Would you like me to call Mr. Stark?"

"Mr.- Mr. Stark? No- no, if he asks, tell him it's a small disturbance. I can take it!" He responds, shooting webs around the metal-like tentacles of the akuma, attaching them to whatever stable surfaces he can find to hold him down.

"Peter, I don't believe-" K.A.R.E.N. begins in a warning voice, "It's fine! Plus, we got those two to help out. This is probably in their kind of skill set!" He protests, waving his arms at the bug and cat heroes.

"We can trust them! They work well as a team!"

"Yep! So well that we don't even need to tell our partners, right Chat?" Ladybug snaps, dodging a laser.

Chat pauses in an attack to frown, his ears slightly lowering. "I didn't mean to anger you Ladybug," he responds quietly.

"Well, damn, could've missed that, yeah?" She snorts, annoyed.

"Working well, Peter?" K.A.R.E.N deadpanned.

"Well, partners have their little squabbles. I mean- look at Mr. Stark and Captain America!" He protests.

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