Don't Say It

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"Pound-" the bluenette halts her first bump as she sees Chat Noir extend his baton, preparing to jump away.

"Yeah, yeah, I have to go." He murmurs, not bothering to make eye contact with his partner.

"Chaton, are you alright?"

The feline hero glares at her, making a scoffing sound before jumping off and running across the buildings.

Ladybug frowned, confused by his harsh and cold attitude. 'He must be busy or stressed with his life,' she thought finally, 'I have to meet up with Alya for patrol anyways.'

The bluenette swung her yo-yo a few times, gaining the momentum to throw it further, reaching the park, where they had planned to meet. Alya stood there with her flute in hand, her costume in a light shade of purple, her way of calling it her new disguise.

"Alright, we ready?" Ladybug asked.


The two jumped off, beginning their run through the city for the evening, unaware of the feline hero who sat on one of the rooftops, watching them run.

You know you're irreplaceable.

A tear slips out of his eye, just to be wiped immediately. Letting out a shaky breath, he slumped against the chimney, leaning his head back. A strained laugh rises from his mouth before turning into soft sniffles.

"I guess I am replaceable, huh?" He murmurs to himself.


Night started settling in and Chat Noir was still sitting on that rooftop, lacking the energy to move. Right then, a giant explosion goes off, making him jump to his feet.

Scanning the area, he finds the akuma decked out in all black. A long sash goes across her left shoulder, armed with small bombs, crossing to her right hip. Her blonde hair is in a long whiplike braid. A black mask covers her face.

Right then, his baton lit up with a message. Frowning he opens it to see an incoming call from Ladybug.

He hesitantly picks up and sees Ladybug's face flash on the screen as she runs across rooftops, her yo-yo shaking as she speeds up.

"Chat Noir! Are you seeing this? Get over to the Eiffel Tower as soon as possible." Ladybug says.

"Why don't you get your new partner over, I bet they'll be more help."

"Wh- What-" Ladybug questioned only to be cut off as she dodged a flying bomber with a yelp.

"What are you talking about Chaton?"

"Don't 'Chaton' me," the feline responds harshly.

"Can we talk about this after?"

"Whatever, I'm coming." He mutters, hanging up abruptly before his partner could get another word in.

'I can't put Paris in danger because of a little jealousy,' he thought, vaulting himself over with his baton.

He lands at the base of the Eiffel Tower where there was a flipped over bus, fearful cries and calls for help came from it, making him run faster to them.

Lucky the bus flippped so the door was right side up, he climbed on top and used his baton to pull it open.

"Come on, it's okay, lemme help you," he calmingly, putting his baton to the side as he helps a mother pull her baby out.

One by one he got them to safety before returning his attention to the akuma who was chasing Ladybug across rooftops, the akuma's hands were glowing blue as grenades appeared from thin air.

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