The Southern Air Temple

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Ozai's POV:

This was good. The new avatar reincarceration was one of our own. Now, we will be unstoppable. We just have to find the avatar, and the avatar will help us to conquer Ba Sing Se and win the war. We have already questioned the majority of the families, and all have said that they are not home to the avatar. But once we finish, we should have the avatar ready to help win the war.



The group arrived at the air temple in the morning. There was a young monk with a huge bison waiting for them. He bowed upon their arrival.

"Hi! My name is Aang, and this is my flying bison, Appa! Gyatso told me that the avatar would be here!" he said, excited. He was only fourteen, but he was already an airbending master. He had invented his own variation of airbending, the air scooter.


Zuko's POV:

I bowed at the boy.

"I am the avatar. My name is Zuko. This is Katara, Sokka, Suki, my sister, Azula, and my uncle Iroh."
"Great! I'll take you to the temple. You'll meet Gyatso there!"

We all got on his bison, who roared and flew up the mountain. There, I saw the beautiful mountains, the grazing bison, the lemurs, and the monks, who were flying, meditating, and having fun. We met monk Gyatso in one of the rooms in the temple.

"Hello, Prince Zuko."

I looked at everyone in the room with me. Everyone was staring at me. Katara, her brother, and his girlfriend looked shocked.

"Prince Zuko?" Katara was the first to speak, "You never told me you were the prince..."
"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to know my father was the one who caused the war and... and hate me because of it," I told her, lowering my head in shame.
"Whatever, Jerkbender, I hate you anyways. Plus, you're the avatar, and I don't care who the hell your daddy is," Sokka said.
"But, if your dad is the cause of this war, how are you going to end it?" Katara asked me.
"I thought that I was supposed to regain my honor," I admitted, "But after finding out that I'm the avatar, I know now that I am to go against my father and end the war. He is ruthless and he needs to be stopped, no matter what it takes."

She looked at me and nodded.

"Now that we have established Prince Zuko's royalty, we will get started with training," Monk Gyatso said, clapping his hands together.


Iroh's POV:

The weeks went by, and Zuko got better at airbending. Azula, my niece, and Katara, the lovely young waterbender, watched as Gyatso taught both Zuko and the young airbender, Aang. I told them both that it is helpful to learn from benders of other elements. I sparred with Katara once when Zuko was training, and I noticed her waterbending was faster, and she was much more agile, lighter on her feet. We finished soon, and I gave her an approving nod. She was improving at a very fast rate.

Azula sparred with me very often. She didn't watch Gyatso very often, but she was still learning from him very well.

Katara's brother and his girlfriend, formally known as Sokka and Suki, often trained together. They worked as an amazing team. They were learning from each other, they completed one another, they balanced each other. Ahh, young love...

I wonder when Zuko will find a lady friend of his own.


Aang's POV:

Zuko has trained with me and Gyatso for two weeks now, and he's already an amazing airbender! He learned everything that I already have and so much more! I showed him the air scooter that I invented, I showed him how to play airball, and I even showed him the bison. I also introduced him to Appa, my own bison, who seemed to like him very much, and Momo, my lemur. He made friends with them almost immediately! This was awesome!

Gyatso told me that Zuko would be leaving very soon, and that he would like me to go with them to continue to help Zuko with his airbending. I asked him that same afternoon, and he was happy to accept me into their group! I quickly became friends with everyone! Azula was an extremely skilled firebender. To be honest, she scared me a bit with her dark humor, but she was nice too. Katara was an amazing waterbender. I was fascinated by the way she was able to move the water to her will. Sokka was a strong warrior, who had an awesome sense of humor. He was always able to make me laugh at the most random moments. Suki was a strong and determined warrior too. She wore face paint very often. I could tell she was a proud Kyoshi warrior. Iroh loves his tea. I don't like tea very much, when it tastes the best, it's too hot, and when it's cooler, it doesn't taste as good. I hope that I'll be able to get used to it when I get older.

We all left the second day. Luckily, Appa was able to fit on the deck of their boat. And even if he didn't, we would just fly. I told them about Omashu, and how my friend Bumi lived there. He was an amazing earthbender. I haven't seen him in six years, since the war prevented me from going to far away from the temple, but this was the perfect opportunity.

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