Extra Story

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A/N: My writing style has changed a bit since the last time I worked on this, and I think it's gotten better, but I can't really be the judge in this case, so I thought I'd write a teeny little "behind the scenes" scene as both a bridge between two chapters and a chance for the readers to get a sense of how my writing has changed. Or not, if you still think it's quite similar. Anyways, welcome back to this fanfic, and I hope you enjoy!

Aang sat atop Appa's shaggy hair, holding the reins. He sat enjoying the light drizzle. Although he was a nomad, he hadn't traveled for a while. The war was quite the problem. He turned and looked at his passengers, his gaze settling eventually on Zuko. The Avatar, huh. He was the one who was going to fix this mess, hopefully. It wasn't supposed to be easy to end a war. Aang's train of thought was halted by a huge explosion on a rock directly below them. Everyone sat up, looking around frantically. A Fire Nation ship sailed uncomfortably close to them.

"GUYS FLY HIGHER I DON'T WANNA DIE!" Sokka yelled, waving his arms as if he could fly off with them.
"We're trying our best!" Aang called back.

Katara whipped up a ginormous cloud, blocking out nearly the entire sky.

"GO! GOOO!!!" Sokka screamed.
"Shut up!" Zuko yelled.

They flew up up and away as fast as Appa could. After a while, they couldn't see the ship anymore.

"Sokka, they're gone now. You can calm down now," Katara said, not particularly enjoying her brother acting so crazily. Not that he's ever not crazy, but I digress. 
"Listen, whoever they are," Zuko started then paused. "It doesn't matter who they are. If we bump into them ever again, we're going to make sure they never come back."
Sokka nodded, and Katara looked down for a moment before agreeing as well.
"WHAT NO!" Aang said after seeing their reactions to the statement. "Violence isn't the answer."
"Then what is?" Zuko asked.
"That's what I thought. Look, I get it. You're a monk. But this is war. If you don't want to participate, I respect that. But we can't all just be goody-goody and expect to just be okay afterwards. Even in everyday life, people are going to hurt you, and unless you wanna die, or ya know, be sad, you gotta hurt them back."
"But that goes against everything I've ever been thought."
"Air nomads aren't as nonviolent as you think. Uncle taught me once that they have this technique, a deadly one, that can suck the air out of an entire room. Although, true, they don't use this technique unless they have to, it's been done before. Airbenders have killed before. You've been sheltered well, I see, but as I said: This is real life, and even worse, this is war. Nothing's as innocent as it seems, okay? As soon as you accept that, the better."

Then there was silence as they let it sink in, and Aang brought up another point.

"I...I still think it's wrong. Regardless of my background, those people are probably just people. People with families, possibly children, grandparents, whoever. They were most likely hired, and they're probably doing it for money. I don't think they deserve it."
"Sure, whoever it is, they have families. But I guarantee you, normal Fire Nation ships won't just go after any sky bison. They're pretty common around here, and even I've seen my fair share of bison. They are nomads after all, and they travel. The Fire Nation usually doesn't care about those bison. I bet they figured something out," Zuko said, and the group remained silent the rest of the trip, all imagining the worst.

A/N: Hopefully there are fewer grammatical errors now compared to my older writing. School is back on, after all, and I've had to take more than a few grammar lessons. Thanks for reading this chapter, and I hope you enjoyed, even though it was really short!



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