The Volcano Blows

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After the rest of the group got their fortunes told, they walked along the streets, chatting amongst themselves, and they saw all the villagers, standing in the center of the village, looking at the sky.

"What's with the sky?" Katara asked the same man who was attacked back at the lake.
"We are waiting for Aunt Wu to come and read the clouds to predict the fate of the whole village," he responded.
"That cloud kinda looks like a fluffy bunny," Aang offered, pointing up at a cloud.
"You better hope that's not a bunny! The fluffy bunny cloud forecasts doom and destruction!" the man said.
"Do you even hear yourself?" Sokka asked, disgusted.
"Hey, just let the villagers do what they want. It's their tradition," Zuko said, a bit annoyed at all the disagreement.
A village woman came up to them and added to the conversation. "The cloud reading will tell us if Mt. Makapu will remain dormant for another year or if it will erupt," she said, gesturing to the mountain a bit further back from the village.
"We used to have a tradition once a year of going up the mountain to check the volcano ourselves. But every since Aunt Wu moved to the village twenty years ago, we have a tradition of not doing that," the man said.
"I can't believe you would trust your lives to that crazy, old woman's superstition!!" Sokka said, believing that fortunes aren't always accurate.
"Shh! She's coming!" Katara said, shushing her brother and putting a hand on his shoulder.

Aunt Wu looked at the clouds and predicted that the village would not be destroyed this year by the volcano. Everyone cheered and left to go back to their normal everyday works.

Sokka and Zuko were walking around the village. Sokka was trying to convince the villagers that fortunetelling was nonsense, while Zuko was getting anxiety, wondering how he would know if he and Katara were meant to be. Aunt Wu hadn't seen love in his future. Could he really change it if he trusted his heart, like she said?

"So, Sokka, you know some stuff about ladies, right?" Zuko asked, seeking advice.
"Some stuff?" Sokka said, placing an arm around him, which Zuko politely and awkwardly slid off. "You've come to the right place. What can I do you for?" Sokka asked.
"Well, there's this girl," Zuko started, blushing, looking down at his hands and twiddling his thumbs.
Sokka stared at him, thinking about who he was talking about. "I think I know who you mean."
"You do? And you're okay with it?" Zuko asked, surprised. He also hoped Sokka would be okay with it.
"I mean, the Fire Nation sucks, but you seem pretty nice. Just don't mess anything up with her."
"Maybe get her a gift or something? Katara likes that kind of stuff...I think."
"You think?"
"Yeah. Come to think of it, I haven't ever gotten her anything nice."
"Well. Thanks Sokka."

Zuko walked around the village with Sokka, stopping occasionally and pondering what kind of gift to get Katara.

"Do you see anything?" Sokka asked.
"Well, can I leave now?"

The two walked a bit more, just wandering, and they saw an older guy gift a girl a panda lily, and she was delighted. They embraced, their love evident to everyone around them.

Zuko was shocked. "Did you see that?" he asked Sokka. He went up to the couple before Sokka could answer.
"I-" Sokka started, "Okay, that's fine. You didn't hurt my feelings or anything."

"Excuse me," Zuko asked the guy, "Where can a guy find one of those things?" and pointed to the flower.

After getting informed that the panda lilies lived at the rim of the volcano, Zuko brought Sokka with him.

"I can't believe you're dragging me all the way up here for a stupid flower," Sokka protested.
"You saw what happened."
"I did. But flowers are fine after you're married. At this stage, it is crucial you maintain maximum aloofness," Sokka stated, quite seriously.
"Aloofness?" Zuko wasn't even sure if that was a real word. 
"Yeah! If you want to keep a girl interested, it's important that you pretend you don't care...too much. Aloofness is key."
"Okay...Well my heart is telling me to get her the flower."
"Well, would you rather listen to an organ that pumps blood, or an intellectual human being?"
"Correction: My organ that pumps blood, and a self proclaimed intellectual human being."
"So I'll listen to my heart, like Aunt Wu said."
"What? Don't tell me you believe in that stuff too!"
"Well, Aunt Wu hasn't been wrong yet... There! On the rim!"

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